Chapter 32 : All over again

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In the morning Rikvannah woke up in each other's arms happy to be back together. Savannah eventually went back to Rydel's room they had the whole day planned out. Starting with going to get frozen yogurt. Eating on there walk back home laughing there heads off. Making the boys look at them funny.

Savannah: *laughing* Hey.
Riker: Hey beautiful. *pulls her into a kiss*
Rydel: *shocked* When did this- what?
Savannah: *pulls away* We talked last night and we are together ... again.
Rydel: I'm happy for you guys and I was wondering why you weren't there when I woke up.
Riker: Ya we were in my room talking and cuddling. *kisses the top of Savannah head*
Savannah: I'm going to go change. *goes to Rydel's room changes quickly and comes back down*

Savannah and Rydel are in the living room making face masks. Which they are doing out there so they don't get her room dirty and sticky.
Savannah: This feels weird.
Rydel: I know right I'm pretty sure we didn't make this right.
Savannah: We did everything to the recipe though. It kind of looks like the picture.
Rydel: Tell try it I mean what is the worst that can happen?
Savannah: We brake out.
Rydel: Good point. Maybe we can skip face masks and make foot scrubs.
Savannah: Good idea.
After making there foot scrubs and trying them out. They decided to invite the boys to watch a movie.

Rocky: What movie are we going to watch?
Ross/Riker: Romantic!
Savannah: I hate romantic movies.
Ross: Why?
Savannah: I mean they are all the same ... Boy and girl like each other everyone knows but they don't. Then a new guys comes in the picture with the girl go for the guy. Shocker she does he cheats girl goes to other boy to cry. Boy and girl get toget and live happy ever after.
Rydel: *laughing at her with the others* So true.
Riker: Scary movie it is.

After the movie Savannah was in Riker's lap them cuddling. Rocky and Ryland laying on the ground with there own blankets. The movie was good and a little scary but it wasn't like it was going to give them nightmares. Which they were all happy about. Savannah and Rydel went to her room talked and laughed there heads off. After the fact Savannah went to Riker's room to tell him goodnight he pulled her to him under the cover them cuddling. Savannah had her head on Riker's chest his arm around her making her feel safe. Riker fall asleep a couple minutes after laying there and started to snore. Savannah kind of just chuckled and began to fall asleep. Tomorrow They would do it all again. Soon there happy weekend had came to an end and they all woke up early to get ready for school.

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