Chapter 19 : Hard times

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            The next day (at lunch)
Rydel: Hey vanni what are you doing this weekend?
Savannah: I'm going to this thing for families of soldiers with my dad. It like a father daughter day, because of us not being able to see them.
Rydel: Sounds like fun. I know I love going to father daughter dances with my dad.
Savannah: Me too.
Riker: Hey Savannah can I talk to you? Alone.
Savannah: Sure. *they go out to the lockers where no one was because it was lunch*

Riker: *hugs Savannah* I want to do something but I don't want to get rejected.
Savannah: How do you know I will reject it? *knows he is talking about kissing her*
Riker: I don't but I know it will be you first and I don't want it to go bad. I want it to be perfect and I want us to move to the next lever but I don't want to if it makes you feel uncomfortable or-
Savannah: Riker.
Riker: weird kissing me becaus-
Savannah: Riker?! *he looks at her* Kiss me.
Riker: *kisses her and she kisses back*

*Both or them feel as if they are the only ones alive. That they were the only two that mattered. The kiss felt like it was stopping time. Sadly the world unfroze and they stopped kissing looking each other in the eyes. Slowly leaning out and at the same time whispered "perfect" which made them chuckle and go back to the lunch room. Riker and Savannah just talking and laughing not caring about what other people think.*

Rocky: So how was the kiss? Rocky asked making Savannah blush like crazy and hide her face in Riker's chest making them all laugh.
Riker: It was perfect. *kisses the top of Savannah's head*
Rydel: Awe you guys are so cute and Savannah you are telling me everything later.
Ross: Okay I think we made Savannah embarrassed enough for today.
Rydel: I'm not kidding I want the whole story in detail. Ya Savannah?
Savannah: Sure?
Rydel: Yessssss!

                    That weekend
*Savannah is getting ready to see her father daughter dance when a soldier comes to the front door and asked for her mother. The soldier tells her that the plain of soldiers coming home this weekend got shot down. He told them that Savannah's dad was on that plain and that he didn't make it out in time. Savannah and her mom just cried.*

Rydel: Hey how is it the dance going? *on call with Savannah*
Savannah: Umm not well we didn't go.
Rydel: Vanni what happened?
Savannah: My dad never made it home. His plain was shot down and killed all of soldiers in it. *crying*
Rydel: Are you okay? Savannah I'm so sorry.
Savannah: Rydel it not your fault and I will be okay eventually.
Rydel: Want me to come over?
Savannah: Not to be rude but I would rather just be alone right now.
Rydel: Okay girly I'll let you go. Call me if you need anything.
                             Call ends

*Rydel tells her family so that they don't say something to Savannah about it. Riker felt like he need to be there with her. Even if she wants to be alone. He knew that she shouldn't be so he went to her house. Savannah's Mom letting him in and to her room.*
Savannah: Riker what are you doing here?
Riker: *lays with her on the bed cuddling with her* You shouldn't be alone. Rydel told me everything that happened.
Savannah: I just don't want to talk about it. I want to pretend this didn't happen a little longer.
Riker: Shhhh baby we don't need to talk about this if you don't want to. Let's just cuddle and do what ever.
Savannah: Thank you for being here with me.
Riker: You would do the same. Don't mention it.
Savannah: I love you.
Riker: I love you too very much.

*Savannah teared up and started to cry a little more but Riker just grabbed and held her letting her get it out. To let her know he wasn't leaving and it was okay to cry.
That weekend Riker stayed the night with Savannah. It was a rough time for her and she really didn't want to go to anywhere or do anything really. Which didn't bother Riker, he just wanted to be with her. He wanted to make his happy, bubbly, outgoing girlfriend to be those thing again. Or as much as she can be in a time like this*

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~Courtney Luna

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