Chapter 41: Wardrobe mountfunction

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Friday:An hour before the game:With the
Coach: Okay boys we are going to do a little practice right now and just run through the plays. Remember to not use all your energy and safe it for the game.
Team: Yes Coach.
Coach: Now get out there and show me some plays. *as they go through everything there was small thing the coach would tell to make it better* So far so good boys!

Coach: Okay boys you have 20 minutes to get ready and hangout before the game. Just be back when I yell for you boys to get on the field. Okay?
Team: Yes Coach!
Coach: Okay you are all free to go.
Team: Thanks coach. *everyone walking in different directions but the Lynches plus Devon went to Savannah and Rydel*

                     With the girls
Riker: Hey Delly. Where is Savannah?
Rydel: She went to go do her hair.
Rocky: What happened you look like you feel bad about something?
Rydel: No I just feel bad for Vanni. The coach is making her where makeup and the a different out fit because she's captain.
Ross: Does she not usually wear make up?
Rydel: She does but this is looks like she is wearing to much. I don't know all I know is she hates it.
Devon: Is she going to quit?
Riker: I don't think she can you should of seen her mom when she told her she was going to tryout. *Savannah walks up to them as the conversation dies down*

Savannah: Hey guys.
Rydel: Did you change you clothes? Or do you just have your jacket on top of it?
Savannah: I just have my jacket on so you can't see it.
Rocky: It can't be that bad of an outfit.
Savannah: I mean it could be worse but it is just... I don't know.
Rydel: Girl if I was wearing that Riker would make me change.
Riker: Let me see, I'm sure you look great.
Savannah: *turns toward Riker and unzips jacket*
Riker: Wow! You look amazing but Rydel is right I would make her change. *zips up the jacket again*
Savannah: O well. I guess I should be happy that I'm captain and not complaining.
*Both coaches yell for everyone on the teams to get on the field*
Everyone: Good Luck! They all said to each other as they run to where they are supposed to go*

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