Madara Uchiha

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( This is just the background of Madara 's life, it's like a Naruto filler tbh 😂, it's not important, but if you need to know about Madara, then read it. )

Madara Uchiha was one of the strongest Uchihas. He was a friend and a rival to the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, and they both founded the Konohagakure with the intention of bringing peace. He was a legendary Uchiha leader. When the two didn't agree how to achieve that peace, they fought for the control of the village, a conflict that ended in Madara 's death. He later rewrote his death and went into hiding to work on his plans. Unable to complete his plans in his natural life, he entrusted his knowledge and plans to Obito Uchiha shortly before his actual death. Years later, Madara would be revived only to see his plans get foiled before dying one last time.

Madara was born during the Warring States Period, a time with lots of wars. Madara was the oldest of his other 4 brothers, but three of them died at a young age, leaving him with one brother, Izuna Uchiha. When he was little, he met Hashirama, and they quickly made a friendly rivalry type of bond. Later they both figured out that they were enemies because one was an Uchiha and one was a Senju. Hashirama didn't care about the Uchiha and the Senju conflict, he wanted to accomplish both of their goals, which was peace, but Madara didn't care about their goals anymore, but instead kept fighting.  Shortly after that moment, Madara awakened his sharingan.

Many years later, the fighting between the Uchiha and the Senju continued.

Later on in the moment of fighting, Madara 's brother, Izuna, got killed by Hashirama's brother, Tobirama

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Later on in the moment of fighting, Madara 's brother, Izuna, got killed by Hashirama's brother, Tobirama. Later on, Madara used Izuna 's eyes to obtain Mangekyo Sharingan. Then, he made an agreement with the Senju clan to cease all fighting and conflict between them. Madara and Hashirama then made their dream come true. They made a village that was going to be peaceful. Hashirama then was made the First Hokage.  Madara then had a child, Jin Uchiha.  His wife died shortly after giving birth. A few days later, Madara abandoned the village because he had a different vision of peace. This later caused conflict between Madara and Hashirama, which later led to Madara 's death.  Hashirama Senju later took care of Jin because of Madara 's death. Madara later rewrote his death, and hid underground to work on plans. He later saved a boy, Obito Uchiha, and he let him carry out his plans after his actual death.

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