Working to the Plan

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I waited until later that night to go back to my apartment room to get my things. I didn't want leaf ninjas to see me and cause them to go crazy, and I didn't want to get involved in this little war they had going on. It didn't even concern me anymore.

During the time that I missed, Orochimaru reanimated the First & Second Hokage, and brought them back from the dead. The third hokage fought both of them. He couldn't destroy them, unless he destroyed Orochimaru first.

So , he ended up using a forbidden jutsu on Orochimaru, a sealing jutsu called the Reaper Death Seal. The reaper death seal, in order for it to work, one's own soul is handed over to the Grim Reaper. It's a jutsu that costs lives, it's a heavy price.

Orochimaru stabbed The third hokage in the chest while casting the jutsu, but he didn't dodge it because he said there was no need to. He already was going to die because of the jutsu. The hokage ended up pulling a part of Orochimaru's souls off, which made him unable to use his hands. Basically, without his arms, he couldn't weave any hand signs, so they were really useless. The Third Hokage had died.

Also, Naruto and Shikamaru was realeased from the Genjutsu that happened in the stadium. Sakura, Shikamaru, Naruto, Shino, and Kakashi's summoned dog, helped to find Sasuke. They all eventually found the Sand Ninja , Gaara, Kankurou, and Temari. They ended up having to fight them.

Sasuke was struggling with Gaara. The curse mark eventually started to come upon Sasuke, so fell to the ground, unable to move. Naruto came to help and fight at that moment.

Of course, Naruto showed off his new powers he obtained from training with Jiraiya , and it made Sasuke feel some type of way. Like, he was weaker than Naruto. He didn't like it.

Naruto ended up defeating Gaara.

After they found the Hokage dead, and Orochimaru and is sound ninja gone, the fighting eventually stopped. The sand ninjas also left village.


I hurried and jump on the village ceilings, until I made it to my room. I unlocked the door and put all my things in my backpack.

I looked at the picture of team 7, then I faced it down so I wouldn't see it anymore.

I was going to walk out my room. I opened the door, when all of a sudden , Kakashi teleported in front of me.

He looked down at me, and I looked up at him.

"Aradam ..... let's talk—"

"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

I tried to start walking past him, but he grabbed my shoulder.

"Let'" He said.

"About what? Just let me be" I said moving his hand off my shoulder.

He came in my room and shut the door.

"Aradam, Originally I'm supposed to turn you in if I see you. They've suspected that you've killed our own ninja, but I don't think you would do such a thing, for no reason, right?" he said.

"Oh, they want you to turn me in...yeah...i'm leaving." I said.

"Explain to me what happened. I want to understand your situation." He said.

"Why would you?! Nobody understands what I'm going through. I always lose things that I love. Nobody is there for me! I've tried over and over and over to be happy and optimistic about things, but I see that's not how the world works..." I said.

"I understand what you're going through, and I want to talk about it." He said.

"No you don't! I've lost everything. My family, friends. This village doesn't accept me for who I am. They've killed my very best friend, in-front of my face, and she wasn't even doing anything. I don't care what village she's from, she was sweet and harmless, yet she was still killed. You wouldn't understand!" I said.

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