Last Round

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I walked towards the nurse room , and opened the door. She was sitting on a chair, and the nurse gave her an ice pack for her head.

"Now, hold this pack on your head for a while. The impact that your head took to the wall, might've caused a concussion , but you could reduce the pain with ice, and these few pill i gave you." The nurse said, then walked past me, out the door, to make sure no one else got hurt during the next fight. It was just me and Asumi in the room, alone.

She had her back towards me, still sitting in a chair.

"Asumi, what was that?" I said.

She looked towards my way and then turned back towards the wall.

"Okayy, I'm sorry that you lost. It wasn't your fault—

"It was my fault." She said interrupting me.

"Hey, it wasn't. You were just in the wrong place, at the wrong time." I said.

"Aradam. You wouldn't understand how I feel. I let down everyone" She said.

I got quite and let her continue to talk.

"You have it easy, you're strong, you're smart, you have people on your side. I don't! The whole reason I joined the sound village was to get strength. Orochimaru seen something in me, that I didn't see in myself. He gave me a chance to make it. Now, I've just embarrassed myself and the Sound village by that idiotic loss. They probably think that I'm weak, they're probably gonna hurt me and say that I'm useless." She said. She got up and started walking across the room looking stressed out, while I still stood by the door.

"I'm letting my people down. I'm just a weak female , who's useless and is only good for one thing." She said.  I walked towards her and stood in front of her. I looked down towards her, because she was a little shorter than me.

"Listen. I'm going to break down everything you just said. One, I don't have it easy. I may be strong, but that doesn't mean I have things easy. You forgot I still have emotions, and a mental health, which sometimes isn't easy to maintain. It also may seem I have people on my side, but in reality, I don't. Two, you're most definitely not a weak female. You're not good for one thing, but you are good for multiple things. Three, If anyone tries to hurt you, I will always make sure to protect, no matter how far away I am, or what village I am from. Because you matter, and you're the most important. You are very unique and special, no matter what others say about you. I will always be here for you no matter what, and that is my promise to you." I said.

Her face started to turn red, and it looked like she wanted to cry.

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Nobody will hurt you, as long as I'm around." I said then slowly leaned in. She slowly leaned in, and then our lips met. We started kissing slowly, then all of a sudden. I had the door open. I was going to keep going, because I don't care. Asumi pulled away quickly and backed up.

"NOOOO" I thought to myself.
It felt so good, her lips were so soft, and she put her arms over my shoulders and brought me closer to her. Oh yessirrrr, my first kiss was SUPERIOR. I'm marrying her, I swear.

I was zoned out thinking so much O forgot about who came in the door. I turned towards it, and I seen one of her sound ninja buddies, who opened the door. He looked shocked.

"What are you looking at?" I said.

"Asumi, why was he on you. We are Ninja. SOUND ninja. We do not have time for this—"

I cut him off.

"Why do you keep saying 'we', like you're included? Yeah you might not have time. But she does." I said.

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