You Passed!!

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"Like I care if I don't get to eat food. I don't need any food!!" Naruto said as his stomach was grumbling.

"To steal a bell from Kakashi...As much as I hate to admit, I can't do it alone. What should I do? Combine the strength of four into one..." Sasuke thought inside his head.

All of a sudden, Sasuke put his lunch tray towards Naruto. "Here..." Sasuke said to Naruto. "H-Hey Sasuke! Didn't you hear what Sensei said?!" Sakura said. "Huh?? What are you doing?!" Aradam said. "It's alright, he's not around." Sasuke said. "I guess you're right." Aradam said.

"The four of us will go and get the bell this afternoon. It will be trouble if he hinders me, so..." Sasuke said. Aradam put his tray towards Naruto and Sakura did the same.

"Aradam?! Sakura?! Thank you!" Naruto said as he started blushing. All of them started feeding Naruto. I teleported towards all of them and they all started panicking.

"You pass." I said. They all looked confused. "In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum. But, those who abandon there friends are worse than scum. That ends the survival exercise! You all pass!" I said putting my thumb up.

Shortly after, we had to take our team pictures.

"Ok, picture time, look sharp." I said. The picture man was setting up to take the picture. "Why do I have to be in the same picture as Sasuke!" Naruto said. "That's what I'd like to know, you loser." Sasuke said to Naruto. "Hey you guys, shut up." Aradam said as he was rubbing his head. "Say that again!" Naruto said to Sasuke.

"Come on guys, this is a tradition." I said. They kept arguing back and forth. I shoved Naruto and Sasuke in the picture, Aradam and Sakura we're in the middle. The picture was taken.

"Team 7 will start it's first mission tomorrow!" I said to all of them.

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