The First Day of the Academy

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All of my classmates walked in and got seated. I was the last to walk in. I seen Sasuke alone sitting, and a whole lot of girls surrounding him. " Sasuke is so handsome.", said one girl. " Sasuke I love youuu!!", said another girl. Sasuke was sitting so calm, ignoring all the girls. I walked towards Sasuke and sat by him. " What are you doing sitting bye him, weirdo!", said a girl with pink hair. After she said that, she caught my attention. She was pretty. " Hey what's your name?", I said to the girl with pink hair. " My name's Sakura.", she said. I liked that name. After I asked that question, the teacher walked in.

" Hey everyone, my name is Iruka, but call me. Iruka Sensei. I will be teaching all of you the fundamentals of ninjas for the next few years. " I don't need any stupid fundamentals to be a ninja!", someone said behind me. I looked back and seen the same boy on the swing. " Hey Naruto, be quiet, ninjas always need the basic fundamentals.", said Iruka Sensei. From that point, I knew his name, Naruto. "Whatever.", said Naruto. Iruka talked for about 30 minutes, then we went outside.

" Everyone, this tool is called a shuriken. You throw it to attack your enemy. In this exercise, we will be throwing shurikens at the targets. First up, Sasuke Uchiha. " Go Sasuke !, I love you Sasuke !", almost all the girls said. " Sasuke, you can't hit all the targets !!", said Naruto. Sasuke ignored them, then walked up. He got the shurikens and threw them. He hit all the targets, on point." Yay, Sasuke!!", said the girls. " Great job Sasuke.", said Iruka Sensei. " Stupid Sasuke, I'm going to do better than you.", said Naruto. " Next up, Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto ran up and got the shurikens. " Watch everyone !", said Naruto. " Stupid Naruto can't beat Sasuke !", said one girl.  Naruto threw the shurikens. One hit the top of the target, one missed, and the other almost hit Iruka Sensei, but he dodged it with his clipboard before it could hit him. " What are you trying to do, kill me ?!", Iruka Sensei said. " No, It wouldn't have happened if Sasuke wasn't here !!", Naruto said. "Yeah, Yeah," said Iruka Sensei.

" Next up, Aradam Uchiha." said Iruka Sensei. I walked up to get the shurikens and get into position. Nobody cheered for me, or said anything to me, it was quiet. " Begin !", said Iruka Sensei. I threw the shurikens at the targets, and all of them hit the targets, on point. Still, nobody cheered for me or said anything, they stayed quiet. " Nice Job, Aradam.", said Iruka Sensei. I walked back . After me, he called everyone else, one by one. Then, he finally finished. " Tomorrow, we'll go over many more things. It's time to go home.", Iruka Sensei said. We all went into the academy to get our things and leave.

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