The Fight

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I noticed that there was no water around me, so I couldn't use any water jutsu. There was no earth around, so my opponent couldn't use any earth jutsu. It was a regular sized classroom. So, I noticed I would only have to use hand-to-hand combat.

The boy ran towards me and tried to punch me. I dogded the punch and tried to trip him. He fell on the ground. He looked at me with anger, as if he wanted to say something mean.

He got back up, and I ran towards him. I punched him in the face, and he punched me in my stomach. I fell on one knee, but I got up and kicked him in his stomach. He fell back to the wall, a little bit of blood came out his mouth when I kicked him.

"Stop!! Yoki is the winner !" The mist ninja said. The boy looked at me with anger. "That's why your always lonely, you bastard." The boy said. He ran out the classroom. I felt sad, again. Yet, it was another hateful comment towards me, or the boy Yoki. He must've been lonley like me.

The mist ninja opened a box and took out a mist headband. "Here you go Yoki, your headband. We'll come to you when we need to inform you of your first mission." The mist ninja said.

" Ok." I said. I ran to where Zabuza Sensei was. "Did you do it?" Zabuza said. I pulled out my head band in excited. "Great. Now when you get back to your village, don't let no one see it." He said. "Why?" I said. "Because they will start asking where did you get it from. They don't need to know that you've been leaving the village to come with me, it'll cause conflict." Zabuza said.

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