Another Night with Tazuna

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When we were heading to Tazuna's house, Kakashi Sensei passed out. We didn't know what was wrong with him. I had carried him on my back, until we reached the house. We finally made it, and I sat him on the floor. Tazuna's daughter treated him, and he later woke up.

"I used my sharingan too much." Kakashi thought as he layed down. Tazuna's daughter came in the room to check on Kakashi. "Are you ok, Sensei?" Tazuna's daughter said. "No, I'll barley be able to move for a week." Kakashi said. He tried to get up. "You shouldn't be trying to move." She said. He layed back down. We heard Kakashi Sensei's voice, so we were assuming he woke. We approached his room, and we seen him. "Sensei is woke!!" Naruto said. We all approached him. I kind of knew he passed out because of the Sharingan. He used it for a very long time. But, how come when I use it for a very extensive period of time, I don't tend to get nauseous or fall out?

Later, Tazuna's grandson, Inari, came and we met him. He looked 6 or 7 years old. But, Naruto and Inari started arguing, and Sakura was holding Naruto back. Inari walked off, but I wanted to talk to him about yelling at Naruto. I walked up the stairs and I heard crying in the hallway. I peaked in a door, and I seen Inari crying.

 I peaked in a door, and I seen Inari crying

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"Dad..." Inari said as he was crying. I walked off because I didn't want to interrupt him and his crying time.

Later, Kakashi Sensei trained us because he assumed that Zabuza was still alive. Since he couldn't do anything on crutches, he had to train us so we could be prepared. We trained for about 3 hours.

Kakashi Sensei sent Sakura and I to guard Tazuna as he built the bridge because we were training very good, and Sasuke and Naruto stayed with Kakashi Sensei to get more training. We sat their and watched them build. The sun was going down, but Tazuna had to get ingredients for the dinner tonight.As we were walking in the small city, it looked poor .Tazuna, Sakura, and I went into the store to get the food, then someone tried to steal Sakura's bag. She kicked the man and called him a pervert and we walked off. As we were walking, I felt someone touch my butt. I turned around and was about to punch, but I seen it was a little child.

"Give me." The little child said with it's hand out. "Ooh." I said. It looked desperate and hungry. "I might have something." I said. I dug in my pocket and found 6 pieces of candy and gave it to the child. "Huuuhh, thank you!!!" The child said smiling, and it ran off. I would help this poor country, but I have to train, I don't have time.We reached the house and ate dinner, then later drunk tea together at a table. I loved tea, it was my favorite drink. Sakura was looking at a picture on the wall. "Hey, why is this torn right here. It looks as if someone intentionally tore the face off."Sakura said. It was a picture of Tazuna, his daughter, and his grandson. "It was my husband." Tazuna's daughter said.

"He was the man who was known of the hero of this town.'' Tazuna said. Inari walked off, and Tazuna's daughter walked to get him to see what was wrong. "Inari had a father that wasn't related to him. They were very close, like father and son. Inari use to laugh a lot back then. But..." Tazuna stared crying. "But.. Inari changed after the incident that happened to his father." said Tazuna.

I walked off cuz I didn't want to hear the rest of the story. I went outside to get some air, then I walked off into the city.

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