The Death of Jin Uchiha

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"Where's my father ? ", I said. " I don't know, your father said he was going to be back 5 days ago.", said Mr.Fugaku. " I will go to the Hokage's office to see what's going on.". said Mr.Fugaku. Mr.Fugaku left and I remained at his house. I was worried about my father, I hoped that he was alright. Mr.Fugaku reached the Hokage's suite/office. He knocked on the door and entered.

" Third Hokage, we have an issue.", said Fugaku. " Is it about Jin Uchiha?", said the Third Hokage. " Yes, How did you know, and what happened to him?", Fugaku said. " I know because I was the one who sent him on that mission. He was supposed to report back in 2 days, but he hasn't came back yet. I sent some half of some shinobi to go where his mission location was and the other half to look in other locations for him.", said the Third Hokage. " What type of mission did you send him on ?? ", said Fugaku. " It was an S-Rank mission. His objective was to locate and kill 3 of the strongest international criminals.
I figured he could do this mission because he is one of the strongest Uchihas of them all.", said the Third Hokage. " You should've sent shinobi with him. When he's the strongest doesn't mean he could take on 3 of the strongest international criminals.", said Fugaku. The Third Hokage got silent. Fugaku walked out the office and walked back home.

" Aradam ! " , said Mr.Fugaku. He called me and I ran to where I heard his voice, the kitchen. " Your Father is still out on his mission.", said Mr.Fugaku. " But he said it was going to take 2 days, not almost a whole week.", I said. " I know, I know, but this is important.", said Mr.Fugaku. I just wanted my father. After Mr.Fugaku said that, his face looked mad but sad at the same time. At that point, I got concerned about my Father. I hoped he was ok.

4 days later

*Knock, Knock*
Fugaku heard a knock on the door. He walked towards it and opened it. " Third Hokage ?", said Fugaku shocked. " I have some bad news.", said The Third Hokage. " What is it ? ", said Mr.Fugaku. " The shinobi I sent have found the body of Jin Uchiha with a stab through the heart. The doctors did test on the wound to see who killed him and figured out that it was 1 of the 3 international criminals.", said The Third Hokage. " So, you're telling me..... that my friend.... has died.", said Fugaku. " Yes, I'm so sorry about your loss." , said The Third Hokage. " It's ok, he was a good person. We all have loses, but I have one question. How will I tell this to his son, Aradam ?", said Mr.Fugaku. " Tell him I said come hear, I'll tell him." , said The Third Hokage.


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