And It Starts (R-18)

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The hot shower made him feel so much better. He had been so cold all day. Filming in the middle of December was harder than he had imagined. But now he felt he could live. That was until he realized he must have dropped his shirt and sweatpants somewhere outside the bathroom. All he had was his briefs to put on. But he was certain he had carried them into the bathroom with him. Damn it. Damn JingYu and his pranks. All day it had been one prank after another and now this.

As he came running into the room all he could think about was finding his clothes and then snuggling under the covers of a warm bed. He was just upset enough that he wouldn't let himself think about the warmth he would also get from snuggling next to JingYu. That man was a human heater. Whether it was an abnormal amount of body heat he put out or some other reason was another thing WeiZhou would not let himself think about. All he knew was that he needed to warm up and then sleep.

What had JingYu done with his shirt and pants? He was starting to shiver, his skin tightening all over his body, the hairs standing on end. WeiZhou stood next to the bed trying to find some sign of his clothes. He might was well just crawl under the covers like this. It was better than freezing to death.

He started to pull the blanket back so he could climb in when suddenly two strong hands grabbed his shoulders and a leg swept around his, throwing him off balance. WeiZhou fell backwards into an all too familiar warm chest. In an instant, he was wrapped up by those offending arms. Together, the two spun around and fell onto the bed. Held by arms and a leg, WeiZhou felt himself being flipped over, and then flipped again, until he was lying on his back staring into the face of his attacker.

"Let's play."

WeiZhou really wanted to smack that grin off of JingYu's face. He really wasn't in the mood for this tonight.

"Would you please stop? I'm tired and I'm cold. All I want is to get warm and sleep."

JingYu reached out and grabbed his face, squishing his cheeks like one would a small child.

"Physical activity is a good way to warm up. Let's play."

WeiZhou growled, deep and low from the pit of his stomach. He really wasn't in the mood for this. It wasn't that he was tired of being thrown around like a ragdoll. It was fine when others were around and he and JingYu were just playing. Honestly, he secretly enjoyed it. But that was the exact problem. He was a man, he had his pride. And after everything that had happened that day, tonight he just was not going to give in.

WeiZhou relaxed his face, which, of course, made JingYu smile, thinking that he was going to get his way. Good, that was enough. WeiZhou locked his arms around JingYu's waist, pulling him down until they were chest to chest. At the same time he had rocked his hips, causing them to flip over yet again. One more roll and they would land on the floor.

"Not tonight, damn it." WeiZhou spoke into JingYu's neck. "I'm seriously not in the mood to 'play' with you tonight."

Dear Lord, JingYu was so warm. Lying on top of him like this, WeiZhou suddenly felt warmer than he had all day. Even the shower had not warmed him like this. Without meaning to, he snuggled his face against the neck in front of him and pulled himself closer to the body that suddenly melted his very insides. "So warm," slipped past his lips.

JingYu reached his hands to WeiZhou's waist, drawing the man on top of him closer yet. They lay there for a long moment, warming and being warmed.

"ZhouZhou? We don't have to play tonight. We do need to get you warm, though. Will you let me?"


"However I wish."

The hands on WeiZhou's waist had begun to move over his back. Every inch of his skin that those fingers touched felt of fire. WeiZhou knew he was lost at that moment. He raised his head and looked into the eyes of this one person who could make him feel so many things at once. This co-worker, this best friend, this soul mate who knew him better than he knew himself.

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