Body Paint (R-18)

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It had been a quick, meaningless thought that had started everything. Just a whim.

JingYu had seen the children's art kit in a shop window. A cute little packaged case that had caught his eye. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, fingerpaints. A tinge of childhood nostalgia had led him into the store to buy it. He had exited with not only the children's case, but also some paints and brushes for WeiZhou as well.

Just because. Just a whim.

When and why JingYu had given his shoes to WeiZhou to paint he couldn't quite remember. Maybe it had been the odd mix of concentration and happiness on WeiZhou's face as he put splashes of color on paper. It was the same look JingYu became entranced by whenever his boyfriend sat down with his guitar and started a new song. The soul of an artist made visible. JingYu had a sudden desire to take some of that with him when he had to leave again. So his shoes became canvas.

Just because. Just a whim.

When WeiZhou had completed his act of vandalism, he stood and stretched, JingYu's eyes following his every movement. Lazily, WeiZhou had stepped behind where JingYu sat and draped his arms over JingYu's shoulders. He looked at the assortment of children's items spread on the table. Two words on all of the packaging caught his eye - 'WASHABLE' and 'NON-TOXIC'. From a sheer sense of orneryness, WeiZhou grabbed a marker from the table and wrote his name on JingYu's hand.

Just because. Just a whim.

Once provoked, JingYu quickly grabbed for a marker himself, but not before WeiZhou sprung away out of reach. The ensuing chase around the room, taunts and threats hurled back and forth as they jumped over and around furniture in their individual bids to catch and not be caught, ended with WeiZhou pinned beneath JingYu, breathless laughter subsiding into heavy breaths of anticipation. WeiZhou drew his lip between his teeth as he slowly lifted his t-shirt up to his neck. "Sign here," he said, pointing to his chest.

Just because. Just a whim.

JingYu had remained frozen in a moment of contemplation. His eyes danced between WeiZhou's and the bare skin offered to him. Slowly he had raised his hand, the tip of his tongue peeking between his lips. With definitive strokes that paused between deep intakes of breath, characters formed down WeiZhou's breastbone: "Sacred Property of Huang JingYu."

Just because. Just a whim.

The smile on JingYu's face had buzzed into WeiZhou's veins. Fascination. Possessiveness. Devotion. Desire. WeiZhou wanted to see and know all of it. To experience all of it. He pulled his shirt over his head and spread his arms wide. "Write, JingYu. Tell me everything. Make me into a page of a book. Your book."

Just because. Just a whim.

Another moment of hesitant contemplation stilled JingYu. But only a moment. He had quickly gotten up, telling WeiZhou not to move as he gathered items from the table. When he returned to WeiZhou's side, JingYu had to breathe deep and remind himself what he was doing. WeiZhou had stayed where he was, but had shed the rest of his clothing. To give JingYu more 'paper', more 'page' to express himself on.

Just because. Just a whim.

At first JingYu wrote slowly, cautiously, questioning himself before each application of thought. The silken etch of marker on skin relaxed WeiZhou's muscles and excited his nerves as JingYu wrote first on an arm, and then a leg, and then a line on his stomach before back to his arm. The quiet sighs and shiver of limbs gave encouragement and inspiration to JingYu. WeiZhou felt himself being covered, clothed, in the patchwork of JingYu's writing little by little.

A burning itch overtook WeiZhou, but not from ink or paint. A searing sensation felt only in those places JingYu left untouched. His face, his lips, his neck, his hips. WeiZhou's entire body was caressed and used by JingYu, except those portions. A groan from the frustration of flesh manifested through his lungs when JingYu withdrew his hands and stood.

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