Happy Holiday (R-18)

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(A/N: 'Post-Holiday Blahs' are real. Mine have been epic this year. Therefore, just in time for Valentine's Day, YuZhou is finally celebrating Christmas!)

JingYu took a deep breath as he put the key in the lock. He didn't realize he was holding that breath until he slowly let it out while closing the door behind him. It had been much too long, the months since he had last been here feeling more like years, but as he walked into the small apartment the time became miniscule. Nothing had changed he noticed. At least nothing major. There was a small Christmas tree at the center of the table, but that was it. The furniture and decor was the same. The smell of the place. The rush of the blood in his veins that came with being here.

This small, nondescript apartment, in a slightly rundown building, in a sparsely populated neighborhood of Beijing. Exactly the kind of place no one would expect to find JingYu. Or WeiZhou. Which was exactly the reason why they had chosen this particular apartment for their 'hideout', as WeiZhou referred to it. JingYu preferred the term 'Lovers' Lair', but WeiZhou wouldn't stop laughing whenever JingYu would say that out loud. It didn't matter. All that mattered was this place was "theirs" and no one knew about it. No one except the most important, and most trustworthy, people in their lives. Having been able to keep this secret for more than a year, and now being back here after such a long time, JingYu was having a hard time containing his excitement.

Something was missing, though. Or, more precisely, someone was missing. JingYu walked into the bedroom and set down the bags he was carrying before taking off his gloves and coat. He knew Weizhou was there. He had sent JingYu a message just an hour before saying he had arrived. As JingYu walked through the rooms, though, there was no sign of the other man. JingYu even opened the closet doors, very slowly, on the chance that WeiZhou was hiding with the obnoxious intent to surprise him. It wouldn't be the first time after all.

JingYu stopped searching after a few minutes, only because he had searched the entire apartment. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he looked through his messages again, wondering if he had missed a second one from his boyfriend. He knew there was no reason to be concerned, it wasn't as though WeiZhou had just up and left, but JingYu could feel the nervous anxiousness creeping into his thoughts. Wild storylines of last minute schedule change, abduction, alien invasion began to flow as answers to where WeiZhou might possibly be.

Just as he was preparing to dial WeiZhou's number, praying with everything in him to get a response, JingYu heard the metallic slide of a key in the front door lock. The raspy sound was the most beautiful music in JingYu's ears, and he smiled with an insane amount of relief. He even started bouncing on the balls of his feet without realizing it as the door swung open to admit a bundled figure. Racing forward, JingYu threw his arms around WeiZhou, ignoring the cold that still clung to the heavy winter coat.

"Umph, h...hi," WeiZhou gasped, his voice muffled by the scarf wrapped around his head. He was trying to maintain his balance as JingYu nearly bowled him over, the shopping bags in his hands swaying heavily not helping matters.

JingYu leaned back a little, one arm still holding WeiZhou, the other hand reaching up to pull the scarf from over WeiZhou's face. Before WeiZhou could say anything his lips were crushed to JingYu's in a kiss that held just a note of desperation. With his hands full, all WeiZhou could do was match his lips to JingYu's and wait for his boyfriend to get his fill.

"Don't ever do that again," JingYu stated emphatically when he finally pulled away and let WeiZhou breathe. "Don't tell me you're here and then not be here when I get here. You can't imagine what started going through my mind when I couldn't find you."

WeiZhou had the forethought to look apologetic, even as he asked, "Zombie apocalypse?"

"Alien invasion," JingYu replied reluctantly.

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