Precious Memories (R-18)

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"Do you remember the first time we met?"

JingYu snapped his head to look at WeiZhou, chewing the bite of pizza he had just taken as quickly as he could. He had been planning a whole romantic dinner for when WeiZhou arrived, but a last minute scheduling conflict had killed that idea. A carryout pizza had been the best he could do. Who was he kidding, though? A bowl of plain white rice and a glass of water would be romantic as long as he was sitting next to WeiZhou.

"Of course I remember. Why?"

Unlike JingYu, WeiZhou chewed his pizza slowly. He looked at JingYu thoughtfully, as though uncertain if he should say what he was really thinking.

"Do you remember what your first thought of me was?" WeiZhou asked, looking down at the slice in his hand, unable to keep his eyes on the man next to him.

JingYu set his plate on the coffee table in front of them and turned slightly to face WeiZhou better. He wasn't acting nervous or scared, JingYu noticed, but more embarrassed that he had actually asked the question.

"Yeah," JingYu said, reaching out to lift WeiZhou's chin. "Yeah, I remember. Do you want to know?"

WeiZhou didn't say anything. He just licked a bit of tomato sauce from the corner of his lip and waited.

"I actually saw you for the first time a couple of days before we were introduced," JingYu revealed, laying his arm along the back of the couch they were sitting on. He absentmindedly played with the edge of WeiZhou's sleeve as he spoke. "You were sitting with FengSong and ChenWen, talking. You didn't notice me walking past. I remember thinking that you must be the guy playing Bai LouYin."


"And...and what? You had to be the one I would be working with, I just knew it."

"How? How did you know?" WeiZhou asked before taking another bite of pizza.

JingYu smiled at the memory, and the way WeiZhou looked at him so earnestly.

"Besides the fact that I really didn't notice who you were sitting with? Once I looked at you, everybody else kind of faded away."

WeiZhou rolled his eyes and groaned, "You're cheesier than this pizza."

The smile slid from JingYu's lips and his face became serious.

"I'm not being cheesy, Zhou. I'm not saying it was love at first sight or anything like that...well, looking back on it now, maybe it was, but just...from the moment I saw you, I was...intrigued, I guess. Like, I knew there was something special about you. I wanted to know all about you. Your likes and dislikes, how you grew up, what your family was like, what your friends were like, just everything about you. And the more I got to know you, the more I wanted to know."

JingYu let the smile flicker back to his lips as he spoke. WeiZhou was looking at him with an odd mixture of rapt attention, expected confidence, and self-deprecating shyness. JingYu gave WeiZhou a quick peck on the lips as he stood, taking the plate from WeiZhou's hand and grabbing his own from the table.

"Thank goodness we were working together, or I might have become a crazy stalker," JingYu joked as he walked to the kitchenette. Setting the plates in the sink, he quickly washed them as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.

"You did become a crazy stalker," WeiZhou monotoned, leaning against JingYu's back.

"I became a boyfriend, not crazy stalker."

"There's a difference?"

"Theoretically," JingYu said, laying his arms across those around his waist. The two stayed in the silent embrace for a few moments before JingYu broke it by asking, "What about you, Zhou? What did you think of me the first time we met?"

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