A Selfish Act - Interlude

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That last picture did it. JingYu couldn't stop himself any longer. He swiped the screen of his phone and pressed 2 for the speed dial. The smile on his lips only widened as he waited for his call to be picked up.


"ZhouZhou," his voice soft and tender, his heart melting as it always did when WeiZhou said his name.

"Aren't you working? Is something wrong?"

"We're in a break." JingYu turned around, stepping further away from the small group of people that had gathered near his co-workers for that day. "I just saw your picture online. Don't you think it's a bit too obvious? Flashing my hand sign and wearing that long, long tie?"

A small chuckle floated into JingYu's ear.

"That tie made me remember our photo shoot together, how you kept playing with yours that day."

"Well, I couldn't exactly play with you that day, now could I?"

"Oh, you didn't?" The sarcastic tone made JingYu grin.

"Not as much as I wanted to," he said, just as sarcastically.

"Not as much as I wanted you to," WeiZhou said, all hints of sarcasm gone from his voice.

JingYu swallowed hard, fighting back the sudden urge to drop everything and rush to WeiZhou that instant.

"When will you be done? It'll be late, won't it?"

JingYu had to swallow hard again before he could answer. "Shouldn't be too late. I think I have to go to supper with everyone after we're done shooting, though."

"Do that." There was a small pause before WeiZhou quietly added, "But you'll come here afterwards, won't you?"

JingYu smiled again, barely able to contain himself again, thinking of the last time WeiZhou had asked him that.

"Are you going to spoil me again?"

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