Master Xu (R-18)

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JingYu squirmed, the plastic sheet under him sticking to his skin. Skin made tacky by a thin sheen of nervous perspiration that had broken out all over his body. What had he gotten himself into? What had he agreed to exactly? His ears strained to hear...anything. His eyelids fluttered rapidly, but his sight was only darkness, the blindfold WeiZhou had tied around his head blocking out all light. JingYu tried to bend his arms, relieve some of the pressure on his shoulders. The rope around his wrists dug into his skin, though, as it strained against the knot WeiZhou had tied around the leg of the sofa. JingYu knew WeiZhou was nearby. He could feel the presence on his skin, even if there was no physical touch to confirm it. When warm, whisping breath blew on his ear, accompanied by the soft rustle of fingers on his hair, JingYu shivered, his senses concentrated by those denied.

"JingYu, do you trust me?"

The nervousness JingYu had initially felt had lessened with WeiZhou's presence near him and all but disappeared when a warm hand rested on his cheek, a thumb slowly tracing the edge of the blindfold, back and forth. JingYu licked his lips, his tongue drawing his bottom lip between his teeth, as he nodded his head ever so slightly.

"I trust you."

JingYu's voice was thick and gravelly as he answered, his throat suddenly tightening under the emotional pressure. It had been his suggestion for WeiZhou to tie him after all. They had both hinted at the idea previously. Their relationship was one of such equality, the simple idea of one of them being completely in control of the other was intriguing to say the least. So JingYu had offered himself up, curious as to what WeiZhou would do, and how he himself would react.

The blindfold was a different story, though. This was such a complete deprivation, not being able to see WeiZhou's face, look into WeiZhou's eyes. How was JingYu to know WeiZhou's emotions, thoughts, reactions if he couldn't see them? JingYu had tried to protest when WeiZhou first drew the cloth around his head. The last thing JingYu saw before it was pulled over his eyes was WeiZhou's lips, tongue flicking at the corner, hovering above his face. That image now stayed imprinted on the screen of darkness behind the blindfold.

JingYu whimpered a small protest when WeiZhou's touch disappeared from his face. The whimper turned into a moan, though, as he felt WeiZhou's leg against his ribcage, and WeiZhou's hands frame his head.

"You have to trust me, JingYu. Not because you don't have a choice. But because I need you to. I need you to trust me. No matter what happens, no matter what I do, you have to trust me. Completely."

JingYu noted a hint, just a hint, of annoyance in WeiZhou's voice. If he had thought WeiZhou would use this opportunity with a sense of trepidation or uncertainty, he realized at this moment how wrong he was. And this gave him strength for some reason. Knowing that WeiZhou was certain, made him certain. This time his voice left his throat clear and strong.

"I trust you, Zhou."

WeiZhou responded by pressing his lips to JingYu's, his tongue breaking through to taste along teeth and gum, before pushing further to take in all of JingYu's flavor. Unable to use his hands to pull WeiZhou to him, JingYu put all of his effort into his mouth, trying to force himself closer with his lips and tongue. He was so focused on their kiss, it wasn't until WeiZhou pulled away that JingYu realized there was now something in his ears. He could only faintly hear WeiZhou saying "trust me" before music blocked out all other sounds. The unfamiliar song filled his head with a slow, sliding rhythm, punctuated by heavy throbs of bass and percussion. He could only make out a few words of the English lyrics, but that didn't matter. Even if he didn't understand a single word, the song was still sensual, seductive, the suggestive intent obvious in the singer's voice, breathy one moment, growling the next.

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