A Moment of Astrology

635 33 13

The following is part of an astrological analysis I did on JingYu & WeiZhou. Fate is a beautiful thing I believe.

JY Venus sextile ZZ Pluto & ZZ Venus conjoin JY Pluto

This aspect indicates an indisputable, powerful karmic tie. Even when occasional disagreements or situations occur, whether initiated by each other or outside influences, nothing can separate these two permanently. Even if it appears the bond has been severed, just wait.

In lovers, this aspect, especially the conjunction, often indicates Soul Mates, two people who are not complete without the other. They are fully absorbed in each other and experience extreme tension when their emotions cannot be expressed. The sexual chemistry is magnetic from the very first meeting. (It may not be consummated under the sextile or trine, but is not likely to be resisted with a conjunction.)

These two likely met involuntarily, but will not be separated on this Earth, at least not for very long if it does happen. This is often called the 'love at first sight' vibration. There is an inexpressable longing for each other when not together. Soul Mates often have other strong aspects and conjunctions in their charts. (There are 14 conjunctions between JY & ZZ) 

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