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"Why did you do that?"

Before WeiZhou had been able to close the door all of the way, JingYu had snapped the question at him. They had just finished yet another interview, and finally had some quiet time to relax. Yet here was JingYu, standing in the middle of the room, panting with anger.

"Why did I do what?" WeiZhou slowly walked towards the other man, confused at his behavior.

"Why did you keep touching me? All through the interview, you kept touching me."

WeiZhou grinned. Ah, so that was it. It wasn't anger that was causing JingYu's heavy breaths, he thought gleefully.

"It wasn't just me. You kept touching me too."

JingYu's eyes dropped to the floor. "That's because I was nervous. You know how I am. I get nervous and need to steady myself to continue."

"So you kept grabbing my leg under the table just to steady yourself?" As he said this, WeiZhou had taken another few steps only to stop mere inches in front of JingYu.

"Uhm, yeah, yeah."

WeiZhou reached up with one finger and tapped the end of JingYu's nose. "Don't lie to me."

JingYu's eyes narrowed as he glared into WeiZhou's for a long moment, before dropping back to stare at the ground. Or rather the lips so close to his own.

"Fine. Whatever. Still, you kept touching me for no reason."

WeiZhou grinned again, more of a smirk, actually, as he leaned himself into JingYu. "No reason?" he asked, right before his lips brushed across JingYu's. "When have I ever touched you in any way for 'no reason'?"

JingYu stood motionless with shock. "But in public? During an interview? During a filmed interview?"

WeiZhou placed his hands on the broad shoulders and pushed JingYu back until he sat on the edge of the bed. Climbing onto his lap, legs straddling him, WeiZhou ran a hand up to the nape of his neck.

"I couldn't stop thinking about last night," he said with a sly smile. "It just keeps replaying in my head, constantly."

Slowly, the motion of WeiZhou's fingers on his neck caused JingYu to relax and lose the seriousness in his expression. He wrapped his arms around the hips of the man sitting on him. "Yeah, last night was...rather awesome, wasn't it?"

WeiZhou leaned down and pressed his lips into JingYu's before moving to nuzzle at the sensitive spot on his neck. JingYu failed to cover his moan as he tried to speak, "But..mm...still...aah...interview," causing WeiZhou to chuckle.

He lifted his head to stare in to JingYu's eyes, as his fingers continued to move along shoulders and neck. JingYu's hands pressed on his back, urging him forward.

"I couldn't help myself."

Just then JingYu pulled his head down and claimed the lips that had distracted his thoughts throughout the interview, muffling the rest of what WeiZhou was saying.

"Venus in Scorpio, you know."

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