HOMECOMING - Part I (R-18)

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"Where Have You Been"

Where have you been; I've looked for you forever and a day

Where have you been; I'm just not myself when you're away; No, I'm just not myself when you're away

Kathy Mattea (1989)

"Where have you been?" WeiZhou whispered, inhaling deeply to drown himself in the scent of JingYu's skin.

JingYu tightened his embrace, though there was no room left to pull WeiZhou any closer.

"Fighting zombies and terrorists, to keep you safe."

JingYu felt WeiZhou's lips stretch into a smile against his neck.

"What about you?" JingYu asked. "Where have you been?"

WeiZhou smoothed his hands along JingYu's shoulders, mesmerized by the definition of muscle radiating heat into him.

"I don't know," WeiZhou mumbled, following JingYu's lead and poking fun at himself. "I got lost and have just been wandering aimlessly."

"Ahh, don't worry, Zhou. The next time you get lost, just yell for me and I'll find you," JingYu said lightly. "I have Special Forces training you know."

"It would be better if you were a detective for that."

"True, but if I was in the police, I'd be in the cyber unit and cracking down on online bullying."

"I'd help you with that," WeiZhou said, rubbing his face into the curve of JingYu's neck.

JingYu suddenly leaned his head back, making WeiZhou look into his face. There was a gleam in JingYu's eyes and a wide grin painting his lips.

"Hey, there's an idea, Zhou. We should write our own screenplay, one of those cop-buddy movies. We can shop it around with the condition that we co-star together."

WeiZhou blinked a couple of times, taking JingYu half seriously.

"Are we talking comedy or action/drama?"

"I was thinking romance," JingYu grinned mischievously.

"Yeah, that'll go over well," WeiZhou said flatly, bumping his forehead against JingYu's.

"Fine, fine. We'll save the romance for off set." JingYu's voice drifted off as WeiZhou had begun nibbling along his chin. The delicate pressure of soft lips on his skin was amazingly intense, having been deprived of it for so long.

"Another selling point to investors - we can save the production money by sharing a room," JingYu muttered, bringing one hand to WeiZhou's cheek in an effort to maintain the kisses along his jaw.

"I can see the headlines now," WeiZhou mumbled, his lips now teasing against JingYu's ear. "Filming Cancelled Due to Actors' Constant Fatigue."

JingYu made a sound as to laugh, but it delved into a groan as the tip of WeiZhou's tongue traced along the edge of his ear. Sliding his hands down WeiZhou's back and over the soft flare of his hips, JingYu gave a quick squeeze and slid his hands back up, this time against bare skin as he pushed under WeiZhou's shirt.

"Mmm...I said room, I didn't specify the bed too."

WeiZhou grazed his teeth against JingYu's neck.

"We wouldn't?"

"Just try and stop me," JingYu said softly, right before WeiZhou's lips met his.

The smooth brush of WeiZhou's tongue against his upper lip, stopping to play with the fuller flesh in the very middle, caused JingYu to sigh. WeiZhou took advantage of parted lips and reached for JingYu's tongue with his own. His fingers caressed the back of JingYu's neck and his leg slid around JingYu's, his toes rubbing softly along the back of an exposed ankle.

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