Voices in Your Head

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WeiZhou rolled over, burying his head under the pillow. Something had woke him. Not that he minded, given the dream he had been having. It wasn't a bad dream. It wasn't a good dream. It had been ...weird. Throwing the pillow off of his head, he stared at the ceiling as he thought about it.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed outside the bedroom window, immediately followed by a crash of thunder so loud the apartment shook. Well, that explained the sounds in his dream. He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and searched for the weather radar. Yes, massive thunderstorm over Beijing right now. It would be a miracle if he could fall back asleep for the moment. He thought he might as well see if there was anything new on the internet.

As he randomly flipped through pages and sites, a notice popped up on the screen. What in the world was JingYu doing online suddenly? WeiZhou sighed in exasperation. As if it wasn't enough he couldn't sleep. Suddenly his phone rang. He let out a growl before answering it.

"What are you doing awake? You should be sleeping."

There was a drawn moment of silence before JingYu's voice snapped back, "The same could be said for you!"

WeiZhou sighed, rubbed his hand over his eyes, and tried again.

"Sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

JingYu let out his own sigh before speaking. "I know. The storm woke you up didn't it?"

"How do you know it's storming here?" WeiZhou asked, his eyes flashing open, just as another flash of lightening and roll of thunder reached through the window.

"Radar," was all JingYu said. "I actually had been sleeping, but I woke up for no reason. Couldn't fall back asleep, so I got online, saw you were on, and wanted to hear your voice."

WeiZhou smiled, despite wanting to scold his boyfriend for his bad habit. He couldn't exactly do that tonight, since he was guilty of it himself. And since he was exceptionally glad to hear JingYu's voice as well.

"Hmm, well I'll accept that excuse." WeiZhou chewed his lip a moment before adding softly. "I'm glad you called."

"ZhouZhou, is something wrong?"

"No. No, just...I was having a weird dream before the storm woke me, is all."

In the silence over the phone line, WeiZhou could almost see JingYu's eyes getting big, then squinting in concern, before he finally spoke, "Want to tell me about it?"

"It was just weird, JingYu. Not scary or anything."

"Tell me. I'm listening."

WeiZhou sighed as he thought about how to describe the wanderings of his mind.

"I was walking through a building. I don't know what building, there were just a lot of hallways, no doors. Maybe it was a maze of some kind. I just kept walking around..."

"Calling my name?" JingYu interrupted softly.

WeiZhou sat up, his eyes wide when he heard this. "How did you know?"

Instead of laughing, JingYu was serious when he spoke again. "I woke up because I heard you saying my name. Call me crazy, I know it sounds crazy, but I swear ZhouZhou, I heard you calling for me."

WeiZhou's body tensed as he thought about this. Was it actually possible? Could JingYu have heard him calling for him? There was a part of him that refused to think of such a thing. But there was also that part of him who took great comfort in the thought.


"What was the rest of the dream, babe. What else happened?"

WeiZhou laid back onto the pillow, a sense of relief at how JingYu avoided the topic.

"I was just walking around, calling your name, yes, and every time I called your name, there would be a big crash. I would turn around and the hall where I had been walking was collapsed. Just rubble."

"You said it wasn't a nightmare."

"It wasn't. I wasn't scared or anything. I was annoyed, I guess. Every time I turned around and saw that where I had just been was now caved in, I just thought 'Oh well" and kept on looking for you. I didn't care about anything else."

Both men were silent as they each thought about what WeiZhou had just said.

"You don't have to analyze it, JingYu. I know what it means." WeiZhou stared at the ceiling again. "It's just that when we can't be together, I get a little caught up in my own head."

JingYu's voice was like a soft touch in WeiZhou's ear, "I know. I know. Me too."



"I wish you were here right now."

WeiZhou waited, holding his breath without realizing it, for JingYu to say something.

"I am there right now. Just as you are here with me right now. Even if our bodies are half a world away from each other, I'm right by your side and you're right by mine. That probably sounds crazy, but I really mean it, ZhouZhou. It always feels like you're right here with me. Even when I miss you so much it hurts physically and I think I'm going insane."

WeiZhou listened to JingYu's voice, letting it fill the bed beside him in his mind. He knew his boyfriend was right. It didn't make him any less lonely, though.

"I know what you're saying, I understand what you're saying. I do agree with you, but..."

"But what?"

"When are you coming home, to me?"

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