Gentle Nudge

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JingYu was feeling rather melancholic. It wasn't because WeiZhou was going to be away for a few days. That was a normal occurrence that they had both become used to. It was just one of those days where JingYu felt a little preoccupied and down. He sunk down into the sofa further, hugging a throw pillow to his chest, and watching WeiZhou bustling back and forth between kitchen and living room and bedroom, cleaning up and packing his bags. Usually JingYu would be helping, but today he would be more of a hinderance than anything. WeiZhou was in high spirits and energetic. It made JingYu feel frustrated and useless in his current mood.

On one of his trips between rooms, WeiZhou suddenly approached the sofa, standing silently until JingYu looked up at him. Without warning, WeiZhou leaned down and gave JingYu a quick kiss. A soft smile spreading his lips, WeiZhou went back to his work, leaving JingYu looking after him in confusion. A few minutes later, he came back into the room, unfolded laundry piled in his arms. Again he stood next to JingYu, waiting for him to turn his head. When JingYu looked up at him this time, WeiZhou again leaned down, his lips pressing into JingYu's a little harder, a little longer than before. Then, again, he stood up, the same soft smile on his face, and walked away.

This happened another three times. WeiZhou would come into the room, wait for JingYu to look at him, and then kiss him without a word. Each time, WeiZhou's lips would linger a fraction of a second longer, would press with a hint more strength, before he pulled back and walked away. Each time, JingYu would stare after him, confusion and curiosity filling his mind.

The sixth time WeiZhou approached him, JingYu refused to turn his head, but WeiZhou did not budge. For a long minute, a silent battle of wills kept them still, until JingYu sat up and pulled on WeiZhou's arm, pulling him in such a way that WeiZhou's legs draped over his own as he came to sit on the sofa. Wrapping his arms around WeiZhou's waist, JingYu finally looked at him with a questioning gaze. WeiZhou clasped his hands around JingYu's neck, dropped another soft kiss on his lips, before answering.

"Because I'm going to be gone for a few days. I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss just being in the same room with you."

WeiZhou tilted his head and let his lips nibble against JingYu's jaw while he pulled himself tighter against JingYu's warmth.

"More than anything, though, it's because I love you. For all of the unexplainable reasons there are, I love you."

JingYu felt himself floating on those words, as he usually did when WeiZhou said 'I love you', but there was more to it this time. JingYu had been so caught up in his own mind and mood that he had left WeiZhou alone, even when in the same room together. But instead of nagging at him with anger and resentment, WeiZhou had nudged JingYu gently to come back to him.

"Thank you," JingYu whispered, "for loving me like you do."

This time JingYu put his lips to WeiZhou's, a soft caress of compliance and gratitude that WeiZhou readily accepted and returned. The gentle taste of WeiZhou on his lips filled JingYu to overflowing. He hugged WeiZhou tightly to himself, his own love for the man he held washing clean his thoughts and emotions.

"Thank you for loving me as much as I love you."

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