Smut for Smut's Sake (R-18+)

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WeiZhou lay in bed, thoughtfully chewing his lip, trying to hold in his excitement. JingYu was here, in this apartment, with him. WeiZhou had never felt connected to someone the way he was to JingYu. Though they didn't have much in common, they had quickly bonded as friends who could talk to each other about anything. It took only a little bit longer before they had bonded as lovers, with an innate sense of how to please, and be pleased, by each other. They hadn't been able to see each other for a few weeks. Just that short amount of time away from each other had seemed like an eternity. As much as WeiZhou wanted to just spend time with JingYu - talking, laughing, playing video games, watching a movie, whatever - he needed to sate his physical need first. As much as he hated to admit that about himself, it was the truth. Too many days of only imagining the feel of JingYu's mouth around his cock made the imminent reality of it that much more exciting, and the waiting that much more excruciating.

Finally, JingYu came out of the bathroom, damp skin glistening, giving him an aura of radiance. Maybe that was just WeiZhou's impression, but as he was the only other person in the room, his impression was all that mattered. The fact that JingYu had not a stitch of clothing nor towel wrapped around him told WeiZhou that his lover's mind was in the same place as his. Tonight wasn't about love or companionship or romantic feelings. This moment was about sex, pure and simple.

JingYu felt his sex start to rise just looking at WeiZhou in all of his naked glory. Lying in bed, fondling himself, as he stared at the man standing before him. All of this was a tease to JingYu. The need to be with this man had been building in JingYu since they had been apart. How he had managed to finish his job and stay away was a pure mystery to him. Every night of his absence had been spent staring at WeiZhou's picture on his phone and jerking off while remembering the feel of him. It hadn't been satisfying in the least. Now he was going to make up for it, if it was the last thing he could ever do.

With a growl that was fueled by the fire in his groin, JingYu leapt for WeiZhou. His lips somehow made contact with WeiZhou's before the rest of his body landed on top of the other man. With no foreplay, no coaxing, JingYu's tongue thrust into the other's mouth, forcing its way to taste every nook and cranny. At the same time, WeiZhou pushed his tongue into JingYu's mouth, both of them drinking in the other's saliva and passion. Hands grasped and clawed, each of them trying to pull themselves into the other. Hot breath forced into each other's lungs only added to the intoxication and numbing need. As their mouths continued to tangle and dance, JingYu raised his hips, allowing his swollen member to swing and bump against WeiZhou's, causing him to reach between them with a moan. His hand found JingYu's cock, and with a stiff squeeze, began stroking it. With every pass toward the tip, fingers moistened themselves on sticky fluid that made them slick and hot. This caused JingYu to break their kiss, throwing his head back with a roar. He was already too sensitive. As amazing as it felt to have this man's hand holding him, he couldn't let him finish this so quickly.

Sitting up, straddling WeiZhou, JingYu tore the hand away from him. Grabbing WeiZhou's other hand, JingYu pressed them into the bed on either side, holding WeiZhou down. With his lover trapped, JingYu leaned down and began a frenzied exploration of WeiZhou's neck with his mouth. Licking, biting, sucking at every inch from jaw to shoulder, devouring the taste of skin and passion induced sweat. WeiZhou moaned and writhed beneath him, the feel of WeiZhou's cock rubbing against his ass urging JingYu on. He licked at a hardened nipple, tugging at it with his teeth, pulling it into his mouth with pursed lips. Hearing WeiZhou whimper at this, JingYu gave one more hard nip on the peak. There was just something about WeiZhou whimpering with unfulfilled need that delighted him. If he hadn't been so hungry for this man, he could have done this all night.

As JingYu moved from straddling WeiZhou to sliding between his legs, he laced their fingers together, still holding his lover back from touching him, but not restricting him either. Using his nose, chin, and tongue, JingYu teased the engorged flesh in front of him, WeiZhou's groans filling his ears as though the sweetest, most hypnotic music was playing just for him. WeiZhou ripped his hand from JingYu's to reach behind himself and place another pillow under his head. They had long ago discovered together an encouraging, perverted thrill in watching each other's faces as one serviced the other. JingYu waited until WeiZhou was reclined comfortably before sucking one of WeiZhou's testicles into his mouth, tongue flicking and swirling. Feeling the movement of the object beneath the tightening skin caused JingYu to shudder with greed. He dropped his jaw to move to the other side. Each tug and caress of JingYu's mouth caused a shiver to run through the length of WeiZhou's body, his hands clutching at the sheets beneath him. JingYu raised his head to look fully upon WeiZhou's face. Parted lips moving slightly with each panting breath, eyes half closed and unfocused - the look of a man on the edge. With a grin, JingYu let a spit heavy tongue glide along the length of WeiZhou's sex. He continued licking at it as though it was a lollipop or ice cream cone, each touch of his tongue eliciting a moan or gasp from between WeiZhou's swollen lips. JingYu enjoyed teasing his boyfriend this way, even as it was a tease to himself.

Universal Love - Scenes of YuZhouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora