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"I don't get it. I really don't understand how it's possible," JingYu said. He pursed his lips, blowing a soft, cooling wind over WeiZhou's scraped knee as he dabbed disinfectant against the wound.

WeiZhou grimaced, trying not to yell as his already stinging skin started to burn. This was the worst kind of injury. He wasn't bleeding, but enough skin was taken off to leave his nerves exposed. A bruise was already starting to form around the edges and his kneecap felt like it was cracked in two. He knew it wasn't, but it felt like it. He gritted his teeth. This was the worst fall he had taken yet.

"What don't you understand?"

JingYu glanced up, hearing the pain in his boyfriend's voice, before rummaging through the first aid kit for the antibiotic ointment.

"You're a dancer, for pity's sake. A rather good one. Yet you fall over your own two feet when standing still." JingYu looked back up. "How is that?"

WeiZhou groaned, and not just because JingYu had started applying the ointment to his knee.

"Excuse me, I wasn't exactly 'standing still'."

JingYu grabbed a large bandage and carefully set it over the scrape, lightly pressing the edges to adhere to WeiZhou's skin. With every press WeiZhou winced. With every wince JingYu replaced his fingers with butterfly light kisses.

With the bandage in place, he shifted to inspect the other knee. The majority of WeiZhou's weight had landed on his right side. There was a small bruise forming, but luckily the skin was intact on the left knee. JingYu pressed his lips to the darkening spot, his hands massaging into tense calf muscles that had been clenched with pain.

"It just doesn't make sense, Zhou. You can do all of those intricate dance steps. Give me your hands."

WeiZhou held his hands out, palms up. JingYu held them warmly, his eyes searching for any sign of injury. Each palm had a couple of small scrapes, but nothing severe enough to require first aid. At least not any first aid more than the healing application of JingYu's lips. WeiZhou sighed as a tingling warmth spread from his hands to all regions of his body.

"Skateboarding is different, I guess." His voice was a little too breathy even to his own ears.

JingYu sat back on his heels, staring at WeiZhou, concern and worry etched over his features.

"Maybe you should stop? You learning to skateboard isn't worth you getting hurt like this."

WeiZhou leaned forward, shaking his head slightly as he pulled on JingYu's shoulders.

"No, I want to learn."

"But, Zhou..."

"It's not that bad. It'll heal quick and I'll be fine." WeiZhou laced his fingers behind JingYu's neck, pulling him forward with small tugs. "Accidents happen, JingYu. I got distracted and fell. That's all. I am getting better at it."

JingYu sighed heavily, his worry losing quickly to WeiZhou's insistence, and the way WeiZhou licked his lips as he pulled on JingYu's neck. Framing WeiZhou's face with his hands, thumbs slowly smoothing over cheekbones, JingYu acquiesced reluctantly.

"Alright. But we're getting you knee pads and elbow guards."

WeiZhou nodded. As JingYu captured his lips in a kiss that burned through his skin stronger than the pain from his knee, WeiZhou let one fleeting thought pass through his mind.

"I don't mind falling when you're there to pick me up."

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