Melting Hearts (R-18)

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The hot water of the shower washed over him, warming his skin, but not his soul. That had been cold for what seemed like years, though in reality it had been only days since he last saw his boyfriend. But their relationship was like that. What took most people months, even years, to come to had happened for them in days, weeks. Normally, he would be hesitant, cautious, of this type of relationship, unbelieving if he heard about it from someone else. But for himself, for himself, it wasn't that he ignored the caution and hesitancy, because it had never existed in the first place. He knew he should be more mindful of things given the society they lived in, for his career, for his lover's career, for their families and friends, but when they were together there was no past or future, only now.

That was why he felt so cold at this moment. Without WeiZhou's presence the last few days, there was nothing to block the harsh reality of the world from creeping into him. The cruelty of recent situations made him want to question his own existence. He was so caught up in his own self-pity that even knowing he was in the same city as WeiZhou right now could not excite him as he wanted. It didn't help that WeiZhou had not given any indication of when they would be able to meet, if they would be able to meet. Not that he didn't want to see JingYu, but everything was just so chaotic around them.

JingYu started humming, then singing, to himself. This song always calmed his heart when he felt his thoughts spiraling. There was so much meaning attached to this song. Intended in the lyrics, and private of his and WeiZhou's making. He closed his eyes and stuck his face under the steady stream, wishing the water and the melody would wash away the anxiety that had been plaguing him.

Even with his eyes closed, JingYu realized the lights had suddenly gone out. Had the bulb blown, or had the electricity gone out? As he wiped the water from his face his eyes opened to see a soft glow emanating through the steam and darkness filling the small room. He felt his own soul begin to glow again as the glass door of the shower stall opened, and the soft outline of WeiZhou's body came into view, blurred by the steam and the haze of JingYu's emotions.

Just the sight of WeiZhou was enough to thaw the coldness in JingYu. When WeiZhou reached out, his fingers caressing a warm cheek, his thumb lingering over parted lips, JingYu melted, falling to his knees as his arms wrapped around the thin waist, his head pressing into a strong chest. The firm caress of WeiZhou's hands on his shoulder and neck prompted JingYu to whimper. "Dear God, I've missed you."

WeiZhou grabbed his arms, urging JingYu to stand. Even before JingYu was able to get to his feet, WeiZhou lowered his head and claimed the lips he had been dreaming of for days. Every picture of JingYu he had seen on the internet had added fuel to his fire while they had been apart. JingYu's hands on his skin, JingYu's tongue in his mouth, JingYu's hardening cock rubbing against his own, all were like gasoline poured on the flame deep inside of him. Now that they were together, he would let the fire rage and overtake them completely. WeiZhou wrapped a leg around JingYu's, his arms and hands fought to combine their bodies into one. He didn't want to just feel this man against him. WeiZhou needed to feel JingYu in him - in his heart, in his soul, as though they stopped being two individuals and became one combined entity.

Sensing WeiZhou's impatience, JingYu wanted to give in to his own impatience as well. But it had been so long since they could be together like this. He wanted to savor this time together, engrave it in his heart and mind for the times he knew that would come. He turned their melded bodies around so WeiZhou was under the steady stream of the shower. Without removing his mouth from the still devouring kiss, JingYu reached for the bottle of shower wash. He began to lather WeiZhou's body, the suds aiding his hands to slick over every inch of skin, front and back, stopping only when his fingers danced along the sharp outline of the hips. Finally breaking their kiss, causing WeiZhou to claw his back with a groan, JingYu added more gel to his hands as he slowly bent to his knees. Running his hands over WeiZhou's legs, JingYu took particular caution not to touch the bobbing cock that danced in front of his face. He knew well enough that just a few stokes right now would cause WeiZhou to explode. Even as WeiZhou begged, his voice deep and husky as he called out, "JingYu, please..." JingYu moved his hands around that sensitive area, teasing yet soothing.

As the water washed the lather from WeiZhou's body, Jing Yu returned to his feet, indulging in another kiss that threatened to devour them both. This time WeiZhou pulled their lips apart. He grabbed the bottle of gel with one hand, JIngYu's hand with the other, and poured a large amount of liquid onto the palm. Turning them around so he was not directly under the water, WeiZhou wrapped his arms around JingYu's neck, breathing "I need you," hotly into his lover's ear.

JingYu allowed the shower gel to slide from his hands onto WeiZhou's firm ass. His hands clenched onto the rounded mounds, pressuring over them in waves. As his fingers began to move inward, WeiZhou's hands became insistent on JingYu's back, even as he bit and licked along JingYu's shoulder and chest. When JingYu pressed first one finger, then two, into the clenched opening, WeiZhou's fingernails scratched down his back, causing JingYu to gasp. When a leg wrapped itself around JingYu's waist, he couldn't be patient any longer. His hands grabbed WeiZhou's waist and pressed him away. Without any prompting, WeiZhou spun around, leaning his back into the chest that brought him so much warmth and comfort. JingYu entwined his fingers with WeiZhou's, their bodies slowly rubbing against each other, as WeiZhou spread his legs in the tight confines of the shower stall. One hand splayed on the wall to steady himself, WeiZhou's other hand reached between them, he himself guiding JingYu's cock into him.

Both men moaned as WeiZhou carefully pushed his hips back. JingYu was always amazed at this feeling that came over him when he entered WeiZhou. The blinding physical feeling only increased his emotional attachment. He knew WeiZhou felt the same. He knew this wasn't just about quenching their physical needs anymore, but his body began to move of its own accord, stoking the fire that burned between them. With each thrust of his hips, JingYu gasped and WeiZhou moaned. WeiZhou lifted his arm to reach back and trap JingYu by the neck, drawing him closer. The lack of each other over the last few days had already set them dangerously close the edge of their physical boundaries. Neither of them would be able to hold on too long. As his thrusts became more quick and wild, JingYu reached for WeiZhou's member, his sudden motions making WeiZhou cry out. He had been correct. Just a few touches and WeiZhou exploded, his muscles clenching around JingYu, causing him to release almost as quickly. WeiZhou rocked his hips slowly when JingYu stopped his movements, prolonging the shuddering of their bodies against each other. JingYu's arms wrapped around WeiZhou, pulling him up to lean into JingYu's chest, even as JingYu remained inside of him. Soft kisses landed along WeiZhou's neck as firm hands caressed his stomach and chest. Clasping his hands behind JingYu's back, WeiZhou felt himself melting into JingYu, or perhaps JingYu was melting into him. This was the feeling he had been missing. This togetherness, this completeness, this instinctive oneness.

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