Knowledge is Power

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JingYu propped a pillow against the headboard before sliding into bed next to WeiZhou, who barely glanced up from his phone. Wrapping an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, JingYu leaned in to look at the screen as WeiZhou began laughing..

"What's that?"

"Fan account," WeiZhou said, still laughing.

JingYu leaned closer trying to see. "Why are you even looking at a fan account? Those can get really crazy."

"This one is dedicated solely to our jewelry - earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings. What we wore what days, when was the first time we wore it, what brand is it, did we wear anything matching on a particular day, and such." WeiZhou slid the phone into JingYu's hand. "Read this post here. It's really funny."

As JingYu read the text on the screen, WeiZhou laced his fingers with the one's dangling over his shoulder. His thumb grazed back and forth over the ring on the index finger.

"You really should get it stretched, at least a little," concern lacing WeiZhou's voice.

"Can't risk it falling off," JingYu replied absently, still reading.

When he was finally done reading, JingYu laid the phone on the bedside table instead of handing it back to WeiZhou. He tightened his arm around WeiZhou's shoulders, drawing him closer.

"They're very observant," was all he said.

For a second, WeiZhou thought JingYu was upset, but only for a second. A slight sting of teeth on his neck banished the thought.

"Yah!!" WeiZhou pulled his head away to turn and glare at a grinning face.

"What? That post was about the necklace I gave you," a tongue flicked along parted lips, "with lots of close up pictures of your neck."

JingYu flopped back against the pillow after a strong push on his chest. He lay placidly though, as his boyfriend immediately stretched out on top of him, WeiZhou's ear landing in the familiar spot over his heart, fingers gently running along his ribs.

"It is weird, you know. That there are people out there doing these types of things, thinking these things about us."

"We could just go ahead and tell them they're right...Ow!" JingYu grabbed the hand pinching his side. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I was just joking. Honest."

WeiZhou lifted his head, propping his chin on the firm chest, a slight scowl on his face. "I'll say it again. As long as we don't lie to each other we can lie to the public, at least for now. Even when they don't buy it," he added, his expression softening under JingYu's gentle gaze. They lay staring at each other for for a long moment before WeiZhou spoke again.

"Chai Jie jie told me something today."

"What was that?"

WeiZhou almost forgot what he was going to say as a warm hand splayed over his back, softly gliding along his spine. He had to fight to regain his thoughts.

"Mmm....A friend had translated from English something he found on the internet that he thought she'd like to see."

"From English? Like, an international fan or something?"

"Yeah. From what Jie jie said, this friend told her he had found a forum that really followed the show, you, me, us, all of us, really closely. Jie jie told me that her friend seemed really excited about it and that he said there were tons of in depth analysis and academically based discussions mixed in with the crazy theories. Very different from the types of stuff we usually see."


"Yeah. I guess he's planning to go through and translate a bunch of stuff for her now."

"You said she told you something. Was it just about that forum?"

"What? I guess her friend had translated one particular thing. Somebody actually went and did an analysis of our astrological charts to see how compatible we are."

WeiZhou scooted himself more fully on top of JingYu, his hands brushing wisps of hair off of a furrowed forehead.

"I don't really believe in that stuff."

"Neither do I, but I can't say I don't believe in it either. Especially when it's really good." WeiZou grinned as he planted a kiss along a sharp jaw.

"Really good? Like what?"

WeiZhou held JingYu's gaze with his own, eyes flashing at each other. "Soul Mates."

JingYu's face remained stoic, even though WeiZhou could feel the heart beating against his speeding up. Fingers crept into his hair, holding his head firmly between them. Finally, a hint of a grin flashed on the face below his.

"Tell me something I don't know."

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