A Selfish Act - Part II (R-18)

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The phone vibrated in his hand. Yet again. JingYu sighed, wondering what kind of crazy question it would be this time. Ever since they had spoken earlier that day, WeiZhou had been sending him messages almost every half hour. Ridiculous messages with just a question. It had started just moments after they had finished their telephone conversation during JingYu's break from filming.

<Red or blue?>

JingYu had stopped as he read the message. What? Red or blue? What in the world? He typed his response quickly.

<Red or blue what?>

The reply came almost instantaneously.

<I'm the one asking questions. Shut up and answer. Red or blue?>

JingYu couldn't keep from laughing. WeiZhou's dominant personality sometimes chose the oddest moments and ways to present itself.

<Yes, sir. Blue.>

JingYu waited a moment, but there was no reply after that. He was being called to resume filming, so he pocketed his phone and went back to work.

When he next had a chance to look at his phone, there was another message from WeiZhou.

<Hot or cold?>

JingYu sighed as he read this. How was he supposed to answer when he didn't know what the question was in regards to? Food? Drink? How he felt at that moment? What? He turned his thoughts to WeiZhou, trying to decipher this cryptic game he was playing. What did those words make him think of? Hot. The first thing that came to JingYu's mind was just WeiZhou, in general. Simply hearing his name could fire JingYu up. Cold. JingYu thought about when they were filming the series, how numbingly cold they would get some days. But that was a good memory too, as he thought about all of the different ways they warmed themselves upon returning to their room at night. All of the different ways they had warmed each other. That brought a wicked smile to his face.


During the next break he had a chance to look at his phone -

<Chocolate or cream?>

Woah! That question sure brought a lot of different thoughts to his mind. Some of them were enough to make himself blush. He thought of WeiZhou again before he answered.


<Beer or baijiu?>

<Steak or oysters?>

<Light or dark?>

<Mountain or sea?>

The questions had kept coming all afternoon. If they did not already know each other so well, JingYu would have thought he was taking part in some weird 'get-to-know-you' dating game. Now, as he was seated in the restaurant with the cast and crew of the show he was shooting, JingYu tried to appear uninterested as he peeked at his phone. He had already been on the receiving end of enough sly glances and teasing chuckles every time he looked at his phone that day.

<I'm hungry.>

JingYu chuckled to himself. Whatever game WeiZhou had been playing with all of the questions must be over. This simple statement was the beginning of a conversation instead. JingYu quickly looked around the table at the other people enjoying their meal, before quietly getting up from his seat. When one of the women sitting across the table from him raised her eyebrows in question, he excused himself, saying 'bathroom', before making his way out of the room.

Even before he reached the restroom, JingYu had dialed WeiZhou's number and was waiting for him to pick up.


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