Happy Campers

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JingYu groaned as WeiZhou slid his tongue along the older man's inner thigh, fingers digging into the flesh along his waist. WeiZhou was particularly teasing tonight, perhaps in retaliation for what JingYu had done to him while filming today. It wasn't enough that JingYu had bested him while wrestling in front of so many people. But when JingYu had whispered in his ear, "Too bad we're not alone" while pinning him to the mat, WeiZhou had determined to get even for the sudden embarrassment, and desire, that had been hard to contain. More than once, during the rest of filming WeiZhou had acted on impulse, openly flirting with JingYu, hoping to build the fire in his lover that he himself felt. Now that they were alone, WeiZhou was even more determined to make JingYu suffer, even more than he had all day. His tongue left wet trails on JingYu's skin, the nip of his teeth causing his boyfriend to moan his name as WeiZhou slowly worked his mouth up JingYu's thigh towards...

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