Blinded by You (R-18)

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Everything went black.

The light from the kitchen and the image on the TV screen, gone in an instant. WeiZhou sat up from where he had been leaning on JingYu.

"What the...? Power outage?"

JingYu kept blinking, trying to ascertain some form of light from somewhere, but even where he knew the window should be, where lights from the city around them should be glowing through, there was nothing but darkness.

"Hmm, must be. Even outside seems to be dark."

JingYu felt WeiZhou fidgeting next to him. A dim glow suddenly illuminated WeiZhou's face, but only slightly.

"Damn. I forgot to charge my phone." The light blinked off, leaving WeiZhou's voice disembodied in the darkness. "Where's your phone?"

"I think I left it in the kitchen. Let's just wait a few minutes, see if it comes back on."

WeiZhou sighed as he leaned back against JingYu, shoulders resting together to confirm each other's presence.

"This is crazy. What are we supposed to do? Just sit here?"

The voice next to JingYu sounded annoyed, and a little bit unsettled. The sudden darkness was unnerving, even to him, but there was nothing to be done about it. He stretched out his hand to search for WeiZhou's, but made contact with a thigh instead. The shiver of muscle under his fingertips, and the sound of breath catching next to him, gave JingYu far too many indecent, and utterly enticing, thoughts for him to ignore and not act upon a single one.

"We don't have to just sit here," he said huskily, his hand sliding against denim as he leaned toward body heat and the sweet, musky smell of WeiZhou. "Come here."

"JingYu..." WeiZhou moaned the name as the hand on his thigh crept higher and higher, sliding along his body, over his stomach and chest, fingers creeping against his neck, teasing his ear, until the hand came to rest on his cheek. WeiZhou must have just licked his lips, JingYu's thumb gliding against excessive moisture as he traced back and forth. Using his hand like a guidance system in the pitch black, JingYu shifted toward WeiZhou, his other hand finding a shoulder to tug on lightly as he leaned in close enough to feel WeiZhou's breath on his face.

"What kind of expression is on this face right now, I wonder?" His tongue traced after his thumb on a soft lip. "What are your eyes saying right now?" The hand on WeiZhou's shoulder began to roam across his back, teasing from his neck to his waist. "You have to tell me, Zhou."

JingYu's lips hovered right above WeiZhou's, their breaths mingling in the millimeter of space between them. WeiZhou clung to JingYu's shirt, the sudden intensity of JingYu's actions leaving him dizzy and mesmerized.


A thumb pulling on his teeth left him unable to finish.

"Not words. Moan for me."

He had meant only to offer a comforting touch in the blackness. WeiZhou's reaction, though, or, to be more precise, the reaction of WeiZhou's body under his fingers, caused an internal switch to flip in JingYu. Unable to see WeiZhou's face, any look of love or passion in his gaze, JingYu's knowledge and comprehension that this was WeiZhou, that this was the person he loved, faded into a haze. This was a body, a body aroused by his touch. He was seized by an instinctual lust to push that body to the very edge and limit.

JingYu teased his tongue against the one opposite from him, retreating with each flick until it was that tongue reaching for his. JingYu clamped his lips around it, sucking it into his mouth, his teeth holding onto it as he tasted and tempted. The tip of the tongue moved against his even as it was imprisoned, trying to force more of itself into JingYu. As he continued to pull on teeth, saliva began to flow down JingYu's thumb, pooling in his palm before sliding down his arm, a lewd sensation of self-abandonment flowing over him.

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