Reality Check

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WeiZhou hadn't been able to sit still knowing that he and JingYu were finally in the same city again. It had been so, so, so very long since they had been able to be together. Of course, they had spoken every day. At least once a day. Many days, more than that. They had video chatted at least three times a week. At least. It was better than nothing, but it could never compare to actually being in the same room. Now, after days and weeks apart, they had a chance to be together. True, it was only going to be for a couple of hours, before WeiZhou had to leave again. Such a short amount of time may not seem to be worth all of the duplicity and intrigue, but WeiZhou couldn't hold out any longer. He would move heaven and earth, was willing to sell his soul, for even just five minutes in JingYu's arms at this point.

WeiZhou was still pacing back and forth, completely lost in anticipatory thought. JingYu had appeared moody, almost glum, in the pictures WeiZhou had seen online earlier. It wasn't just tiredness on his boyfriend's stoic face, either. He kept taking deep breaths in an effort to calm himself. He did not hear the door open or close. It was only the sound of his name being called that brought WeiZhou's attention, and head, around.

JingYu!!!!! The name screamed in his mind. He was there. JingYu was honestly, truly there, in that room with WeiZhou, at that very moment. WeiZhou was frozen in a state of sensory overload. This wasn't a dream or an hallucination. He could see JingYu in 100%, real life, living color walking towards him. He could hear the soft 'woosh' of JingYu breathing heavily. He could smell the undeniable scent that was specific to JingYu. WeiZhou had worked himself up so much, and was now so overwhelmed, he feared that if he moved or tried to speak his nerves would come completely undone, and he would fall to the floor in a self-induced orgasmic fit of relief and release.

JingYu's steps halted a few paces from WeiZhou, his countenance playing between shock and resolute concentration. WeiZhou remained in place, but now from a tinge of fear. What was this? This air of disconnect that suddenly rose between them, like a fog rising from a river on a cool autumn morning to distort the landscape and perception? Had their time apart weakened their inherent, fateful tie? Had 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' somehow instead become 'out of sight, out of mind'? With slow steps, JingYu closed the distance between them.

"Your hair," he said, his fingertips grazing the strands around WeiZhou's face.

"Ugly, I know," WeiZhou sighed. "You've seen it already."

"That was pictures and video. It's different in person."

WeiZhou shivered slightly as only JingYu's fingertips brushed over his hair.

"It's even more ugly?" he asked, a barely perceptible tremble to his voice. Maybe he looked so incredibly different, maybe because it was such a drastic change for him, maybe JingYu hated it so much and that was why WeiZhou felt he was being distant.

"Stop saying ugly," JingYu commanded as he tugged on an ashen lock. "You could never be ugly. Especially not to me."

WeiZhou raised his eyes, which were wide and round with questions. JingYu let his fingers fall from the top of WeiZhou's head to rest against a cheek, the warmth of his palm melting into WeiZhou's skin.

"When I first walked in, the way the light was hitting it, your hair almost looked gray. I could suddenly imagine how you'll look in 20, even 40 years."

JingYu reached out to pull at WeiZhou's waist, bringing them toe to toe. WeiZhou had to grab at JingYu's shirt to steady himself, his fingers digging into fleece and resting against JingYu's chest, where an erratic beating bounced against his knuckles.

"Even when we're old and gray, you'll still make my heart race just at the sight of you, Zhou." JingYu grinned as he rested his forehead against WeiZhou's.

WeiZhou returned JingYu's smile, the strange fog he had conjured up in his own insecurity dissipating with JingYu's words as much as his touch.


"What? It's not flattery," JingYu pulled back as though shocked. "I'm honest as always."

"Mmmhmm," WeiZhou hummed with sarcasm. The smile on his face remained, though softening slightly at the corners. "Damn, I've missed you."

"That's kind of obvious. You're using up all of your 'super ninja stealth mode' powers right now, aren't you?"

"Should I not have?"

JingYu grabbed more firmly onto WeiZhou's hips. "I've missed you so much, Zhou. I've been seriously going crazy missing you. Thank you for being here. Even if you have to leave in the next five minutes, I can survive now that I've seen you."

"I can't," WeiZhou whispered.

He latched onto the edges of the hood around JingYu's neck and pulled him forward. With controlled precision, WeiZhou pressed his lips to JingYu's, the familiar taste cascading into his senses like fresh water over parched land. WeiZhou felt himself revived, more alive than he had for some time. When WeiZhou pulled back, separating their lips, JingYu groaned in frustration.

"Ugh. Killing me, Zhou, you're killing me. How much time to we have?"

WeiZhou leaned back and looked at his watch. "I have to leave in a little less than two hours."

"Plenty of time for more of this." JingYu recaptured WeiZhou's lips, determined to fill himself to overflowing to sustain his soul.

They both knew they couldn't always be together. Now they knew how long they couldn't be apart.

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