There is Always Time (R-18)

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The Universe was conspiring against him today. Of this he was certain. First, WeiZhou's flight had been delayed, enough that they couldn't even get five minutes together before JingYu had to leave for his filming. Then, today's filming consisted of an American football mini-camp. In the heat of late June. Running around, bulky pads restricting his movements, and airflow to his skin. He wasn't out of shape by any means, but he was used to the freedom jiujitsu afforded his limbs and the loose uniform that allowed body heat to escape naturally. Those pads had really done him in. Even before they had started the exercises, sweat had been trailing down his back and matting his hair to his forehead. JingYu had a newfound respect for American sports players who practiced and played under those conditions

The only thing that had kept him going the last few hours was the knowledge that WeiZhou would still be there when he got home. As exhausted as he was, JingYu thrilled at the simple idea of being able see and touch his boyfriend. After so many days of being separated by borders and time zones, just the thought of being in the same room with WeiZhou was enough. Knowing they were in the same country, much less city, had put a smile on JingYu's face and an extra bounce in his step all day long. But then he had to wait through the ceremony and the hoopla, then traffic had been backed up and he hadn't been able to nap for even ten minutes in the car. Now, as he dragged himself through the front door, he could only imagine falling asleep with WeiZhou next to him, no matter how much he wanted more.

JingYu barely closed the door behind him when he heard a voice growl "about damn time." Even before he was able to fully turn around, he felt himself shoved against the door, his head jolted as lips crashed against his. The ensuing gasp that parted his lips gave complete access to his mouth, which was taken advantage of to the fullest extent by the tongue that proceeded to taste every space and surface. JingYu moaned, becoming dizzy and disoriented, unable to breath, not simply because of the mouth occupying his, but more so from the sensations stirred by the hands that grasped and clawed and clung to his arms and back and hips.

The initial shock melted into the background as JingYu felt himself pulled by the taste of WeiZhou on his tongue. Settling into the comforting familiarity, JingYu pressed his fingers against the nape of a neck, while his other arm wrapped around a waist and pulled it closer to him. With JingYu finally responding, WeiZhou's hands paused their frantic search, and with a slow slide, came to rest together at the base of JingYu's spine. The moment of ravenous hunger quenched, WeiZhou slowed his tongue to a gentle lapping against JingYu's, the satisfied hum from his throat vibrating through both of them.

WeiZhou slowly pulled his head back, his lips and tongue still teasing at JingYu's as he did so.

"Hey, you," he breathed heavily, their foreheads resting against each other.

JingYu remained silent, except for the panting breaths as he forced air in and out of his lungs. He was still fighting the wave of dizziness that had come with WeiZhou's sudden kiss. Not that he minded, of course. JingYu tilted his head into the palm WeiZhou placed against his cheek.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to attack you," WeiZhou chuckled. "Well, actually, I sort of did mean to, but not quite like that."

JingYu raised his gaze, taking in the smirk that etched itself all the way from glistening red lips to sparkling dark eyes. He felt another wave, but not dizziness, building deep inside. Burying his face into WeiZhou's neck, breathing in deeply the scent that was specifically WeiZhou, feeling WeiZhou's hands pressing into him as they slid up and down his back, JingYu felt a surge of energy push the exhaustion out of his body as he relished the feel of WeiZhou in his arms.

"Too many greetings like that might kill me," his lips against WeiZhou's neck eliciting another hum from the man. JingYu raised his head, a grin mirroring WeiZhou's stretching his lips. "But I'll take it. There's worse ways to die."

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