A Kiss is Still a Kiss

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The sensation of warmth from full, moist lips was stronger than the pressure with which they touched his. A fleeting kiss. A tease. An entreaty. An enticement.

His eyelids drifted closed with the leisurely pace of clouds floating across a still summer sky, while he let his head sink back against the pillow. A sigh of contentment brushed over the lips hovering above his. The slight scrape of finger tip with a hint of nail against the stubble covering his jaw hummed along his nerves, drawing a low hum from his throat. Another hint of pressure, two sets of lips drawn upon themselves, puckering to extend, reaching for more, but softly playing and teasing against each other in waves.

A light touch followed the pulse in his neck, as the nibble of lips separated and encased his lower one. The silky texture of a tongue tracing back and forth over sensitive skin sent shivers of pleasure into his bones. His tongue tentatively sneaked past teeth, flickering for the taste of the lips that held his. His fingers brushed over the smooth skin of spine and waist, featherlight touches that had the same effect as forcefully pulling the one he held into him.

A soft huff of tantalizingly sweet breath filled his mouth, the perceptible flavor of simmering desire filling his senses and feeding his need to satisfy his own hungers. He groaned as his tongue was caressed with gentle brushes and swirls, the intimate touches running through his veins to settle in the pit of his stomach heavily. As the contact was withdrawn, he chased after it, lips meeting to seal the shared space where each man ended and the other began.

Soft, fine hair slipped through his fingers as his hand cradled neck and head, gingerly maintaining the connection he was certain he would die without. His tongue smoothed over every surface of the mouth that held him captive, searching every crevice for the essence of self his love gave to him. The pulsing play of fingers on his shoulder and arm pulled him deeper and deeper into a haze of nothingness, where only the two of them existed together.

A growl of unease reverberated from his chest when he finally had to relinquish his hold and suffer emptiness upon his tongue. The subtle murmur of lips on his neck mimicked his heartbeat and flooded his veins with breathtaking heat. The breathy moan of his lover's name from his lips did little to release and ease the pressure created by the kisses and licks sprinkling like rain upon his chest. He clutched at handfulls of cloth beneath him, uncertain whether he wanted to fill his desires as quickly as possible, or wallow in the delirious torture until he succumbed to insanity.

As though reading his thoughts, a throaty whisper landed upon his ear.

"We have all night. I don't want to rush."

Like lava flowing towards the sea, a tongue traced the edges of his ear, a slow slide of passion overtaking him inch by inch until his body was consumed. With a sudden burst, he flipped and rolled until he was able to look down upon a face surprised and flushed.

"All night?" he asked, the back of his fingers carressing against heated flesh of cheek and jaw. He lost himself in the eyes that flashed full of love and desire. For him. Glistening lips spread into a soft smile. So many people in the world thought they knew this smile, but they were wrong. This smile was his, and his alone. This angelic smile that bound him more strongly than any rope or chain ever could.

His lips claimed that smile, imprinting himself upon it with a delicate reverence and worship.

"All of our lives, Zhou. We have all of our lives."

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