Master of the House (R-18)

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An onion, an egg (just one!), a half head of cabbage, what must have once been a tomato, and some shriveled carrots. Oh, and two six packs of bottled beer. That was all that was in WeiZhou's refrigerator. The cupboard wasn't much better. An almost empty container of rice, some crackers, and three packs of ramyun. How in the hell was he supposed to make breakfast with this? If they were in Shanghai it would be no problem for JingYu to run to the store at the corner. But they were in Beijing, and as much as he hated it, he couldn't risk going out and being seen.

He was supposed to be in Zhengzhou filming. If he was seen in Beijing, a seven hour drive from where he was supposed to be, all hell would break loose. He had seen it as a gift from heaven when over half of the cast and crew had come down with food poisoning, but he had been spared. Thanks to his boyfriend, who he had secretly been speaking to on the phone while everyone else ate. With production shut down for three days, JingYu had made the snap decision to drive to Beijing and thank said boyfriend for keeping him safe. JingYu had shown up at his door late last night to surprise him. It didn't quite have the effect he was expecting or hoping for.

WeiZhou had been grumpy since he arrived. Barely speaking, short, terse answers when asked a question. He had even been rather cold towards JingYu while they had made love the night before. That was the trigger that told JingYu something was wrong. WeiZhou was never 'cold' in bed. Especially when they hadn't seen each other in over two weeks. But he had been last night. It was enough of a shock to JingYu that, even after driving for half a day, he had laid awake for hours after WeiZhou had fallen asleep, wondering what was wrong. JingYu had questioned if he had done something, or was it just that WeiZhou had been so busy lately. It still nagged at him, but seeing as how he was awake and somebody else was still sleeping, he accredited WeiZhou's mood to exhaustion. That had to be it.

"Why are you just standing there? You could make some tea, you know?"

JingYu jumped at the harsh, croaky voice chiding him. He swallowed hard as the sight of WeiZhou was like a bolt of electricity to his nerves. WeiZhou walked into the kitchen, a scowl on his face, a pair of half buttoned jeans low on his hips. Incredibly low on his hips. A small patch of coarse hair was visible over the top of the blue denim. JingYu marveled at how the pants were even staying in place as the wearer sauntered into the kitchen. He wasn't surprised, though, at how quickly his thoughts turned to removing those jeans from those hips. As WeiZhou poured a glass of water for himself, JingYu's hands reached out for him.

"OWW!! Damn it, Zhou! That hurt!" JingYu yanked his hand to his chest, his other hand rubbing the stinging flesh on the back of his right hand.

"Don't touch me right now. I'm not in a good mood." WeiZhou didn't even look at JingYu as he said this.

JingYu stumbled back against the stove. Shocked, dumbfounded, flabbergasted...pained. WeiZhou had never spoken to him that way before. He was at such a loss that he remained as a statue, mouth open, eyes wide. Even his mind stopped functioning. He was not able to think, was not able to comprehend what had just happened. Was this really WeiZhou? Was this really the sunny and mild tempered ZhouZhou who made him live and breath?

Setting the glass on the counter, WeiZhou hopped up next to it. Sitting on the counter across from where JingYu stood, WeiZhou slowly lifted his eyes to the man staring at him.

"I didn't mean to hit you so hard. Sorry." Though the words were an apology, JingYu felt that the voice was anything but apologetic. His mind started functioning again, at warp speed. What was this? What was going on? Why was WeiZhou acting this way? What could he do? What could he do? What could he do?

They stared at each other for what seemed an eternity. JingYu searched the face he loved, looking for some sign, just something, that would help him understand. His body was tense as he leaned against the stove. He wanted to argue, he wanted to fight. He also wanted to just take WeiZhou into his arms and squeeze out of him whatever was making him this way . As JingYu refused to back down and prepared himself for a real fight, he saw it. There was a pain in WeiZhou's eyes that made JingYu's breath stick in his throat. If only he would talk! If only WeiZhou would tell him what was wrong. JingYu knew in that moment that he had to give in. Whatever was causing his boyfriend to act like this, JingYu would just have to be patient.

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