Swords of Deception (R-18)

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The last shuddering throes of ecstasy rippled through WeiZhou's moan, as JingYu ever so slowly pulled from within him. A trickle of liquid fire on his skin highlighted for WeiZhou the feeling of emptiness from JingYu's withdrawal in more than just his body. The sudden heavy weight of JingYu pressing along his back collapsed WeiZhou's legs, forcing their skin to meld as JingYu covered his lover with all of himself. JingYu sank his teeth into the back of WeiZhou's neck, eliciting a sharp groan, before sliding into the space next to WeiZhou, his arms immediately pulling the still trembling body into his own. JingYu sealed his mouth to WeiZhou's, lips and tongues strangling the panting breaths for needed oxygen. Even as he willed his body to descend from the heights of pleasure JingYu had sent him to, the taste of JingYu on his tongue started a dizzying climb in WeiZhou's senses. The blood in his veins had cooled to a simmer for only a brief moment before it rushed boiling through him again with JingYu forcing their bodies together.

WeiZhou whimpered, his fingernails clawing into JingYu's back hysterically. He was still completely sensitized, and yet JingYu was advancing without delay. His left arm embraced WeiZhou's shoulders tightly to him, chests welded with heat and sweat. His lips and teeth tugged and nipped at WeiZhou's, extracting the flavors of skin and saliva and breath. His right hand skimmed the base of WeiZhou's spine, transmitting signals of erotic intent to the farthest reaches of WeiZhou's being. A tortured groan left WeiZhou's throat, his insides contracting and twisting in anticipation as JingYu slid his hand between their bodies.

Opening his eyes, WeiZhou let himself be enticed and excited more by the look of absolute desire and drive in JingYu's gaze than the gentle grasp that moved over their burning manhoods pressed together. Even though the long night was already filled with the lovers pulling everything out of each other no less than twice, their hearts and bodies bare and raw with physical desperation and emotional urgency, they pushed each other towards the consuming flames once more, determined to leave themselves branded into each other's flesh and souls. The gnawing pain directly preceding impending fulfillment, heightened by JingYu suddenly breathing his name against his lips, tossed WeiZhou into a mindless tempest of...

The blankets flew from over WeiZhou's head. Staring into the darkness, he growled in exasperation. This was not what he should be thinking about right now. He needed to sleep. His schedule had picked up and he had a busy couple of days ahead of him. He didn't want to think about JingYu right now. Well, he did want to think about JingYu, but he knew it would only drive him crazy if he did. Especially when his thoughts were of this, ahem, lusty kind.

Rolling over, he reached for his phone out of habit. Just after 3 a.m. His mind effortlessly calculated minus 8 hours. Another, more recent, habit. It was only mid-evening in that other place. JingYu wouldn't be free yet most likely. WeiZhou groaned. He really wanted to hear JingYu's voice. He may have to be content with only memory and fantasy of JingYu's touch, but thank goodness for technology, even at international rates, keeping their voices fresh for each other.

WeiZhou pulled the blanket back over him and burrowed down. He missed JingYu. Of course he missed JingYu. He always missed JingYu. The moment they had to leave each other's sides, he missed JingYu. It was just that they had been apart for so long this time. The time difference didn't help matters either. There were so few hours when they could directly communicate with each other. Like right now, JingYu was probably eating supper, while WeiZhou would normally be sound asleep. They might talk in a couple of hours, as WeiZhou was getting ready for his day, and JingYu would be on the verge of going to sleep. JingYu would send a message when he woke up, but WeiZhou would be working and not see the message until he was done for the day. By that time, JingYu would be well into a heavy day of work himself and also miss any message WeiZhou might send. They might be able to catch each other for a few minutes if JingYu had a break in filming and could call as WeiZhou was heading to bed, but that had only happened on a few occasions.

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