Love is the Answer (R-18)

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Wiping the steam from the mirror, JingYu gazed upon a face of unease. The same face he had seen in the mirror over the last day or so, ever since he had updated his Instagram account. Why wasn't WeiZhou saying anything about it? It wasn't as though he expected an answer, he already knew the answer, but some acknowledgement of it would be nice. WeiZhou had said nothing, even though they had spoken since then.

Maybe WeiZhou had not seen it yet was the hopeful thought JingYu held on to. He was the one who had told WeiZhou to rest and have fun with his family and friends in Shanghai while he had to fly north for a few days. JingYu knew how exhausted WeiZhou was after the last few months. A few days, a week, of doing nothing would be good for his boyfriend. Was he having so much fun, though, that he was ignoring his social media? Completely? JingYu had been too embarrassed to ask. At least he was back in Shanghai for a few days.

JingYu grimaced, then sighed at his own thoughts. He was overthinking again. He quickly finished drying himself and left the bathroom with the single thought to find his phone and call WeiZhou. He took three or four steps into his bedroom before his mind registered what he saw, stopping him in mid stride.

Every surface, dresser, nightstand, floor, even the bed, was covered in roses. Dozens of bouquets and thousands of petals everywhere. All were highlighted in a soft hue of gold from the multiple banks of candles interspersed around the edges of the room. An earthy, sweet combination of cinnamon and orange scented the air. JingYu felt a presence behind him even before arms clutched around his waist and lips pressed against the nape of his neck.

"Silly fool."

JingYu shivered, not at the words, but because of the hot breath they were whispered on next to his ear. He leaned back slightly as he crossed his arms over the ones that held him.

"I admit that, but only when it comes to you."

"Why do you keep asking a question you already have the answer to?"

"Because I like hearing the answer," JingYu grinned, turning his head enough to place a soft kiss against WeiZhou's temple. "And because it's the closest I can come to shouting it to the world. Sometimes it's just too hard to keep quiet."

They stood, holding onto each other, slightly swaying together, in silence. The simplicity of being in each other's presence surrounding and comforting them. JingYu had closed his eyes to block everything but WeiZhou. When he opened them, he was once again overwhelmed by what he saw.

"This is quite impressive. Was I in the shower that long?"

WeiZhou chuckled. "No. I snuck it all in earlier today. Everything was under the bed and hidden in the hall closet. I just had to set it out."

JingYu reached one arm back and let his fingers catch through WeiZhou's hair, gently pulling him closer.

"You outdid yourself. It's amazing."

"You're always doing things for me. Showing me how much you love me. I haven't been able to do as much for you recently." WeiZhou sent a series of soft kisses down JingYu's neck. "I wanted to make up for it."

JingYu turned while pulling WeiZhou to stand in front of him. Finally being able to gaze on the face he had missed the last few days, JingYu felt his chest tighten. The constrictive feeling only increased when he cupped WeiZhou's face in his hands and tenderly kissed him.

"Now who's being a silly fool?"

WeiZhou grinned shyly. "I know I don't have to. It's not a competition. But words only say so much. Hell, I even researched the meaning of the different colors of roses to try to find the right one."

Universal Love - Scenes of YuZhouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin