Enjoy the Quiet

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JingYu burrowed down under the covers even deeper than he already had been. His nose was cold, inside and out. Either the heat was not working or the temperature outside had dropped much more than he had expected for it to. He blinked slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the dim light in the room. It seemed that it was still night, no sense of sunlight, only street lights, appearing around the edges of the curtain. It did not matter anyway. He had nowhere he had to be that day. A blessed couple of days with no schedules or plans. The only thing he had to do was enjoy the quiet time.

He snuggled further into the warm cocoon of blankets. A slight feeling of deja vu came over JingYu when WeiZhou shifted closer in his sleep. So many mornings while filming they had woken huddled together in the middle of the bed, when they had most definitely gone to sleep on separate sides. At first, they had both excused it as environmental conditions - a cold room, extra warmth. When it happened morning after morning, though, no matter the weather, each of them began to realize something else was at work upon them. This moment of remembrance made JingYu think about how much had changed over the last year, but, thankfully, some things, like this, had not. WeiZhou was still by his side.

Reaching across WeiZhou's body, JingYu made sure the blanket was tucked securely around him. Between the weather, fatigue, and high emotions, it would be much too easy for either of them to get sick. JingYu didn't care about himself, but, with a hectic array of upcoming schedules, WeiZhou did not need to be battling a cold. On top of everything else.

JingYu held his breath slightly as he laid his arm over WeiZhou's waist, afraid to wake him. It had been a long night since WeiZhou had suddenly arrived. His mind groaned as he could not keep himself from thinking of the most recent series of events that had precipitated WeiZhou's secret visit. Neither he nor WeiZhou had ever been delusional enough to think that their path together would be easy, but the almost constant string of unexpected stumbling blocks were rather tiresome. The only thing that made it all manageable was the fact that they had each other.

JingYu wished he could make everything that hurt his boyfriend disappear, but he couldn't. He suddenly remembered an argument they had months before, in late spring. Back when they were still getting used to the idea of being together. JingYu had wanted to protect WeiZhou from the insanity surrounding them and made some decisions without consulting WeiZhou first. That had led to an outpouring of minor grievances that grew into a major hurt. They didn't talk to each other for days, until suddenly, like tonight, WeiZhou showed up at his door.

That night, they had talked for hours. Calmly, quietly, JingYu told WeiZhou what he had come to realize while they had been apart. He was only human. He would get jealous and angry, hurt and sad. Because of WeiZhou and for WeiZhou. He was only human. He could not control what other people thought or did, not even WeiZhou. He could only try to control himself. He was only human. Though he felt more like a god with WeiZhou by his side. Even if it was only in a figurative sense.

That night had been a turning point for them in many ways. JingYu had learned one more important lesson that night. There truly was a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. It takes two people to be in love with each other. One person cannot be in love with someone on their own. As long as they were with each other, together, equally, no defect of personality, nor defect of the world, could unravel them.

That had been the attitude which JingYu took through the summer, into the autumn, and now with winter drawing closer. People would think whatever they wanted to think, no matter what he, Weizhou, or anyone else might say or do. As long as he and WeiZhou understood each other, that was all that mattered. There were still misunderstandings and small arguments now and then, but they had learned to fight harder for each other than with each other. (Though, in all honesty, the fun of making up was more often than not the reason for the arguments in the first place.)

With a kiss to WeiZhou's cheek, JingYu closed his eyes to go back to sleep, the soft woosh of WeiZhou's breathing warming his features. He was happy. Even with turmoil and strife affecting the person he loved, as much as he hated to admit it, JingYu was happy. Because WeiZhou was there with him. Unexpected situations, though unsettling and vexing, could also have unexpected, gloriously wonderful outcomes like this. WeiZhou wanting, needing, to be with him.

The soft brush of lips against his made JingYu open his eyes again. WeiZhou was staring at him intently through hooded eyes.

"Did I wake you, Zhou? Sorry."

WeiZhou snuggled closer in JingYu's embrace, his toes interlocking with JingYu's.

"What are you thinking? I can hear the wheels in your head, you know. Be honest with me."

JingYu winced at the concern lacing WeiZhou's voice.

"I was just thinking about how much has changed, and how much hasn't, over the last year. That's all." JingYu pressed his lips to WeiZhou's forehead to punctuate his words.

"Really? That's all? JingYu, I..."

"Hush, ZhouZhou. Stop your overthinking. That really is all I was thinking about."

WeiZhou was quiet for a few moments before he spoke again, his words muffled against JingYu's neck.

"So, what's changed?"


"Hmm. Then what hasn't changed?


WeiZhou chuckled with his boyfriend's all too common double speak type answer. Yet he knew exactly what JingYu meant. What had changed was the two of them as individuals. What had not changed was the two of them being together. It heartened WeiZhou to think of that. But JingYu's hand rubbing lazily against his spine made WeiZhou think of other things, as well.

"Go back to sleep, Zhou. We can talk more in the morning."

JingYu felt an instant change in the atmosphere when WeiZhou drew his head back. The glint of a moist tongue peeking between full lips made JingYu shiver, though he was starting to burn under the blankets. This was another thing that had not changed. WeiZhou's ability to make him want more. Whatever it may be, JingYu wanted more when WeiZhou captured him this way, and he would do everything in his power to make it happen.

"I don't want to sleep right now. Do you?"

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