The Grand Plan (R-18)

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WeiZhou opened his eyes to semi-darkness. The recessed lighting of the room let off a soft glow, reminiscent of a child's nightlight. Enough light that he was able to make out the shape of the man sitting in a chair in front of the window. Leaned back, the ankle of one leg resting on the knee of the other, hands hanging limply over the armrests of the chair, face turned to the window, WeiZhou could see only a partial profile of JingYu. And he was entranced.

He lay still, simply staring. Though JingYu was relaxed, contemplative, there was no hint of melancholy or worry from the figure. In fact, WeiZhou could sense the strength and determination radiating from his boyfriend. A strength and determination that reflected and matched his own. Just being in this room together was proof of that.

The decision to meet at the hotel had not been taken lightly by either of them, but, given the schedules of each man, it had been the easiest. Not to mention the slight hint of wicked audacity they felt in making such a decision. As with anything they did, there were risks, but each felt the other was worth it. Their time together, being together, was worth it. Especially after the last few days, when they had once again been forced apart by circumstances beyond their control.

The minute JingYu had arrived, WeiZhou had wrapped him up in a tight embrace, letting their combined body heat radiate into each other, warming the coldest parts of their hearts that had grown lonely and neglected while separated for just a few days. Neither man liked to admit how much he relied on the other emotionally, even though they both knew it, so no words were spoken between them. To simply be able to hold each other was enough at that moment. When JingYu raised his head from WeiZhou's shoulder, and WeiZhou pressed his lips to JingYu's, it was not a desperate, passionate kiss, but more a confirmation that it was not a dream or hallucination that they held each other.

They talked as they ate together, the takeout meal eaten though not tasted. They were too busy listening to each other's voices, feeling the presence of each other, to think about the food. They had chosen to eat sitting on the loveseat in the open area of the suite, their legs matched up and pressed together from hip to ankle, even though there was inches of space on either side of them. But this made it easier for WeiZhou to see when JingYu pulled out his phone suddenly and held it in front of them.

The decision for JingYu to move to Beijing had already been made. Now it was just a matter of it actually happening. As JingYu flipped through picture after picture of interiors, WeiZhou felt his breath catch in his throat. When JingYu asked for his opinion between the two different houses, WeiZhou felt his heart speed crazily. And when JingYu said that of course, it certainly mattered what WeiZhou thought, since in his mind this wasn't going to be just his house, but theirs, WeiZhou gave up trying to control himself. They had talked of such things before, but to know that JingYu was taking action to make it reality, that threw WeiZhou's emotions into a frenzy that only a multiple orgasm display of passion could conquer.

Now as he lay silently staring at JingYu, WeiZhou felt his emotions beginning to bubble and swell again. Happiness, pride, thankfulness. Dedication, devotion, desire. Love.

"As handsome as I am, the front's better than the back."

WeiZhou smiled and retorted with, "All the same to me," as he crawled across the bed, nearer to where JingYu sat. Sliding his feet to the floor, WeiZhou leaned forward, his hands gliding over wide shoulders to pull himself up, then making their way over a broad chest as he nuzzled his face against JingYu's neck.

"How did you know I was awake?"

JingYu's hands had come up to hold WeiZhou's arms against him. His fingers gently squeezed, a silent request to WeiZhou to hold him tighter.

"You're breathing changed."

"My breathing changed? You pay attention to my breathing enough to know the difference between when I'm awake and when I'm asleep?"

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