Heart & Home

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A sharp pain in his chest woke him. Another sharp stab on his thigh brought him fully out of his slumber. Trying to sit up, trying to find the source of this sudden intrusion on his sleep, WeiZhou scrubbed his hands across his face before looking around the dark room. A low growl beside him was then punctuated with arms punching at the blanket and legs kicking into his again. 'Another nightmare?' WeiZhou thought. Waiting until the arms and legs stopped their frantic defense, WeiZhou laid one arm over JingYu's chest while wiping the thin sheen of sweat from his brow. There was an occasional murmur from JingYu's lips, one or two quick jerks of his body, but finally he stopped moving. As WeiZhou gently ran his fingers over a tense face, his other hand patting and smoothing the strong chest, JingYu's breathing slowly returned to a steady, even pace. This had been happening too often recently. WeiZhou had been happy knowing that when together JingYu did not battle the chronic insomnia. He could easily fall asleep with WeiZhou by his side. But the last few weeks, the times that they had been able to be together, were punctuated with JingYu's nightmares waking both of them.

With a lingering kiss on JingYu's forehead, WeiZhou embraced him, pulling his head onto his chest. JingYu had not made any indication of being awake, but WeiZhou knew he was. Fingers gently clutching at his waist confirmed this.

"Okay?" he whispered, placing another kiss on the top of JingYu's head.

The only response was a slight nod against his chest. WeiZhou began caressing the broad shoulder under his hand. He knew that the stress of everything was getting to them both, but, whereas he was able to let go of things easily, JingYu had a tendency to hold it all inside. The nightmares were his mind's way of releasing the anxiety. WeiZhou wished he had a way to stop them, but for the time being all he could do was to offer what comfort he could.

JingYu pressed his cheek into the chest beneath him. His breath tickling across the smooth skin caused WeiZhou to hum, sounding strangely like a purr to JingYu's ears. The fear and anxiety left by the dream trickled away bit by bit as he felt WeiZhou's heartbeat. WeiZhou could feel the change in the body he held. The relaxation of the muscles, and the spirit. He smiled to himself with the knowledge that he could offer this comfort and reassurance to this man he treasured above all things. Neither of them could do much against what was happening around them, but none of that mattered when they had moments like this. Moments where it truly was just the two of them, together.

"ZhouZhou?" JingYu's whispered voice drifted through the dark room. "I never understood it before, but I do now."

WeiZhou whispered back, just as softly, "What's that?"

"When people talk about home is where the heart is. I always thought that was so corny and stupid. But I get it now."

WeiZhou's lips became taut as they spread into a smile that covered his entire being. His hand caressed JingYu's cheek before pressing under his chin, beckoning him to lift his head. Even in the darkness, they stared into each other's eyes, their breaths catching at the intensity they showed to each other. Just before their lips met, WeiZhou whispered into the night.

"Welcome home, my love."

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