The Red String of Fate

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He stood on the rooftop, facing north. Looking past the lights of the city, past the miles and miles that lay between. He imagined a red string unravelling itself from within him and reaching its way to that distant place he could see in his mind. It floated up the stairs, through a door, and into the room where he truly wanted to be at that moment. It was late. Very late. Someone would be asleep right now. At least that someone should be. The red string floated in his mind to the bed, and connected with the image of the sleeping figure there.

"I miss you," he whispered, willing his voice along the red string, the vibrations travelling strongly to the other end. "Can you hear me? Do you know? I want to be with you right now."

JingYu leaned against the railing that ran along the edge of the rooftop. Closing his eyes, he imagined himself flying along the red string, over the city and miles between, until he stood next to where WeiZhou lay, sleeping peacefully. He let himself just stare for a long while, the room illuminated by dim light through the window. Just enough light that he could make out the features of the person before him. Now closed in sleep, eyes that could cut right to his soul, that could read his mind, and inflame his heart. That perfect nose, yes very sexy in its own right somehow, but when wrinkled with distaste for something, so damn cute too. And those lips. JingYu moaned as he saw those lips behind his closed eyelids. Slightly parted in sleep, full, moist, beckoning.

His imagination began to play a trick on him. He saw those lips coming closer as he leaned down toward them. He felt the soft breath coming from WeiZhou tickling over his face, steady and warm. He smelled the luscious scent that was uniquely WeiZhou, an intoxicating mixture of musky and sweet. JingYu groaned as he pressed his lips against pliant, sleeping lips. He groaned as his tongue glided gently past them, scraping against teeth, tasting the taste of WeiZhou. He felt the slight scrape of stubble against his fingers as he traced the sharp outline of jaw, only to have them soothed as he pushed into the soft hair behind an ear. Even as his imagination and senses became more and more vivid, JingYu whispered his desire into the night air.

"I want to taste you. I want you to open your mouth and let me in. I want to feel your tongue against mine, taste you tasting me. I want to lay pressed against you, feel your heart beating with mine, my arms wrapped around you, as your arms hold me to you. I want to breathe nothing but the scent of you. I want to feel your lips, your breath, against my neck as you tell me to go to sleep, that you'll be right there when I wake up. That you'll stay next to me, with me, until forever."

JingYu took a deep breath as all of this played in his mind's eye. As he felt WeiZhou against him, tasted him on his lips.

"I want to hear your voice saying my name, saying anything and everything."

The spell of his imagination twisted JingYu's insides, as the sounds of the city suddenly invaded, even at that hour of the night. Slowly, he opened his eyes, only to find himself staring directly at the moon. The moon, not quite full, but very bright, hanging in the sky in the direction where his mind had been. Before his mind could reel in the red string, JingYu whispered along it one more time.

"I miss you, Zhou. Just know that."

After making his way from the rooftop back to his room, as he lay himself down in an attempt to sleep, JingYu groaned desperately against the feeling of emptiness that hung with him.

"I just want to hear your voice right now. That would be enough."

He rolled over, tried to bury his thoughts under the pillow. It had already been a long night. He had the feeling it would become even longer as the pillow did nothing to help him.

Suddenly his phone rang. Unconsciously, he reached for it. His imagination must still be playing tricks on him, he thought, as he connected the call.

"JingYu? I woke up and just...just...needed to tell you. I miss you."

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