Swords of Communication are Swords of Connection (R-18)

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"So sexy...what ya' wearing?"

The utterly cheesy way JingYu drawled this utterly cheesy line made WeiZhou groan in exasperation.

"Really, JingYu?"

JingYu was as exasperated with himself as much as WeiZhou was, but he was trying to buy himself some time. Just as he had heard the temperature rising in WeiZhou's voice with his suggestion of "auditory stimulation", he had also heard a sound from outside of his room. He had suddenly remembered that it was still early evening where he was. He didn't think anyone would come looking for him, but he didn't want to take any chances of being interrupted.

"Oh wait, wait, let me guess. A t-shirt...and boxers. Right?"

Being tactless for a minute was the closest to a 'pause' button JingYu could come up with as he raced to the door of his room. Making sure the placard requesting not to be disturbed was prominently displayed on the outside of the door, JingYu then double checked the lock, and turned off every possible light. Only someone completely oblivious would try to call him out now.

"Mmm, yeah. T-shirt and boxers," WeiZhou mumbled, sounding very bored.

"Pikachu?" Jingyu asked, as he settled himself back on the bed.

"Uhh, no, Mickey Mouse actually."

"Oh, Mickey Mouse. Wait. Aren't those mine?"

JingYu was certain he had developed the ability to 'hear' Weizhou blush as there was a small pause.


"Wearing my boxers to sleep in. Hmm, I like that. "

WeiZhou thought of a sarcastic retort to JingYu's teasing, which he normally would spout without a second thought, but this time he kept it to himself. JingYu didn't need to know just how often WeiZhou slept in the pair of boxers he had left behind. Besides, JingYu had set a spark in WeiZhou's nerves, and he didn't want to snuff it out with snappy remarks and one-up-manship comebacks.


The low and searching tremble of WeiZhou's voice made JingYu shiver. Any small doubt he had about WeiZhou being a willing participant was brushed away with the whispery trace of expectant breaths against his ear. JingYu imagined the vibrations of sound kissing his skin with the ticklish heat of air from WeiZhou's lips. He squirmed into the nest of bedding, goosebumps over his skin developing with his thoughts.

"Oh, the things I want to do with you, Zhou."

WeiZhou took note that JingYu said 'with you', not 'to you'. That small aspect of wording wound its way through him like trendles of vine climbing a fence to cover it in riotous color and beauty.

"Like what?"

"Put your phone on speaker, Zhou," JingYu said softly, "and place it on the pillow next to you."


"Then I'll be lying there with you. Close your eyes and just listen to my voice."

WeiZhou sat up and shuffled the pillows around with one hand as the other ran over his phone to turn on the speaker option. He propped his phone in the small space between the two pillows, a space that would not exist if JingYu was actually there with him.

"Can you hear me, ZhouZhou?" JingYu asked when he heard the rustling cease.

WeiZhou murmured a small yes. The sound of JingYu's voice beside him made him ache with the frustration of distance and the desire for connection.

"Aahh, I want to kiss you...for days and days and days," JingYu began. "Just to have you in my arms and kiss you for hours on end. To feel your lips on mine. Mmm, Zhou...I could live on just the taste of your lips."

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