A Selfish Act - Part 1 (R-18)

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JingYu had fallen asleep on the sofa. When, he wasn't certain, but it had obviously been for some time. At least, enough time for WeiZhou to start cooking something, the sounds and smells from the kitchen waking JingYu. His stomach growled. JingYu couldn't remember when he had last eaten, in all honesty. He had back to back schedules that day, had been busy running from studio to site to another studio hour after hour. When he finally returned home late that evening, he had flopped down on the sofa next to WeiZhou and promptly dozed off. Now refreshed by his short nap, JingYu stood, stretching to the ceiling, before peeking around the corner into the kitchen.

WeiZhou was standing at the stove, flipping something in a frying pan with one hand, while the other hand stirred whatever was in the saucepan next to it. JingYu watched silently, delighting in the sight. This was something he never tired of. The simple, daily tasks of life - with WeiZhou. How this filled him with such complete satisfaction would always amaze him, JingYu thought. He couldn't ask for anything more in his life when he was able to walk in to this. The sheer need to experience this part of life led him into the kitchen.

"So, Sleeping Beauty's awake," WeiZhou threw over his shoulder as JingYu's arms wrapped around his waist. "Have a good nap?"

"Mmm," JingYu hummed against WeiZhou's ear as he looked over a shoulder to see what was cooking on the stove. "What's that?"

"Pancakes. Western style pancakes. And stewed peaches, instead of syrup or jelly."

"For supper?"

WeiZhou spun around, almost hitting JingYu in the face with the spoon he held.

"You haven't had supper yet?! What the hell, JingYu?!"

JingYu took the spoon that was waving at him threateningly and put it back in the saucepan before pulling WeiZhou tighter against him.

"It was a crazy day. I ate a little here and there, but not really a meal."

WeiZhou sighed as he lowered his head against JingYu's chest.

"And here I was just making a late night snack." He raised his head quickly and pushed himself out of JingYu's embrace, spinning toward the refrigerator. "We can't waste this, but let me see if there's something else I can make with it for you."

JingYu grabbed an arm, and pulled him back against him.

"This is fine, Zhou. I don't need a lot. It's too late at night for a big meal anyway."

"You're sure?"

JingYu answered with his lips dropping to WeiZhou's. He gently chewed on a bottom lip with his teeth as his tongue swept lazily back and forth. "I could live just eating this," he teased when he finally raised his head.

WeiZhou rolled his eyes, trying to appear annoyed, but the tongue that kept darting out to taste JingYu on his lips gave him away. JingYu took note of the way WeiZhou's eyes stayed focused on his mouth, and the way his lips quivered with each forced intake of breath. He pulled WeiZhou tighter against him, the feel of his boyfriend's hands gripping along his back feeding a different appetite than the one they had been speaking of. Just as his lips reached for WeiZhou's again, a loud gurgling sound from his mid-section caused both of them to freeze. JingYu sighed as he let his arms drop to his side.

"You better feed me. Or my stomach will keep interrupting us."

Turning back to the stove, WeiZhou finished cooking while JingYu pulled a stool near to him and sat. Resting his head in his hand, elbow on the counter, JingYu watched WeiZhou's every move. He completely forgot his growling stomach when WeiZhou swiped a finger along the spoon, fragrant, orange colored fruit covering the tip, and placed it on his own tongue to taste test the mixture. The way WeiZhou's lips wrapped around his own finger, his eyes lighting up as he sucked the fruit into his mouth, made JingYu groan.

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