Swords of Truth (R-16)

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<Call me when you can. Whatever time.>

JingYu took a couple of deep breaths. And then a couple more. WeiZhou was awake. He could call him, talk to him. A giddy excitement welled up in JingYu's chest at the thought, but he didn't move. It was still the middle of the night back home. WeiZhou had been busy lately - flying here and there, performing, interviews, appearances - if he was awake right now, JingYu couldn't help but think that something wasn't right. That small tinge of worry creeped among his happiness, but JingYu chose to ignore it. If there was something wrong with WeiZhou, that was all the more reason for them to talk. JingYu was glad for any reason to hear WeiZhou's voice right now. Sitting up, a grin spread wider and wider on JingYu's lips with each number he tapped on his phone.

<I miss you>

WeiZhou grimaced the moment he hit 'send' and the message flew through the ethers to JingYu. It wasn't as though he had lied. He did miss JingYu. It wasn't that he felt weak in admitting it either. It was just, in his current state of mind, it somehow seemed almost dangerous to send that message to JingYu. It was unlike him to send a message like that so blatantly. WeiZhou would rather say things like 'I miss you', 'I want to see you', 'I love you' with his own voice and not by text. JingYu knew this, and that second message would certainly make him wonder. If JingYu were to call him, before he could calm his inner spoiled brat child, WeiZhou was afraid of what he might say. Again staring at the clock on the screen of his phone, WeiZhou felt a small relief in the fact that it should be at least an hour or so before JingYu would call.

WeiZhou yelped, his phone flopping between his hands, when the ringtone shrilled through the silence. His head popped off of the pillow and he sat up. JingYu was calling him already? WeiZhou cleared his throat and tried to calm his breathing. He wasn't ready yet, but he wasn't about to ignore the call either. He quickly swiped his finger across the face of his phone.


"Hey, Zhou."

A momentary pause of silence allowed the other's voice to sink into each of their ears, and wiggle around into their hearts.

"You surprised me. It's too early for you to be up, isn't it?"

WeiZhou could hear JingYu trying to hide the concern in his voice.

"Just a little trouble sleeping tonight. Not a big deal," WeiZhou said, trying his best to keep his voice even and calm. "What about you? Are you already done for the day?"

"Yeah. Filming went pretty smooth today. We got done earlier than expected, so I just came back to the hotel to chill for the evening."

"Have you eaten?"

JingYu felt himself relaxing with the normalcy of the conversation. This felt so good to him.

"Not yet," he admitted. He quickly continued as he heard WeiZhou click his tongue in protest. "I just got out of the shower, was going to order a sandwich or something from room service in a little bit. Don't scold me."

JingYu shivered at the tickle of WeiZhou's chuckle.

"I'm not going to scold you. Like it would do any good even if I did," WeiZhou laughed. He had felt himself calming down the moment he had heard JingYu's voice. He felt better than he had in days. This moment, this connection, was more perfect than he could have imagined and hoped. "So what did you film today? Anything exciting?"

"Hmm, it'll probably be exciting for the five minutes it's on screen. Rolling around in the desert for eight hours filming it, not so much. Hey, did you know there's a difference between desert sand and beach sand?"

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