Three Little Words (R-18)

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A soft chuckle from somewhere outside of his consciousness tugged at WeiZhou. The last fragments of a dream tried to hold him, but in vain, as the hold of an embracing arm beckoned to him. A small sigh whispered past his lips as a warm touch skimmed over his cheek and drew him further out of his slumber. WeiZhou lifted his head, trying to follow the heat as it left his skin. It was replaced with the warmer brush of lips against the very edge of his own. WeiZhou groaned as that too quickly disappeared from his senses.

"Don't tease me," he mumbled, his voice as heavy as his eyelids, which he stubbornly kept closed in fear he would see daylight if he opened them. He had not wanted to fall asleep, had tried so hard not to fall asleep, and was now quite mad at himself because he obviously had fallen asleep. Every minute he was able to spend with JingYu was precious. Too precious to waste just sleeping.

WeiZhou lifted his chin and tried to find the lips that had left his, but instead he felt a hand against his jaw and the caress of a thumb sliding smoothly across his mouth. He quickly pursed his lips and drew JingYu's thumb in. The sharp intake of breath he heard became a lengthy moan as his tongue intimately tasted the small expanse he held. It made him smile.

"What time is it?" WeiZhou asked, as JingYu pulled his hand away.

"Mmm...almost 1:30," JingYu answered, his lips grazing against WeiZhou's ear.

"A.M.? Or P.M.?"

WeiZhou grunted as JingYu bit his ear playfully.

"And you call me silly. A.M. of course. If it was P.M. you'd already be at the airport."

WeiZhou murmured an understanding. Still not opening his eyes, WeiZhou ran his hand up JingYu's arm to his shoulder, then down his side until it came to a rest on his hip.

"How long was I asleep?" he asked, rolling to his side and further into JingYu's embrace.

"Maybe an hour? You were completely passed out by the time I came out of the bathroom...mmaah, Zhou..." JingYu lost his thought as WeiZhou's lips skittered over the sensitive skin at the base of his throat and WeiZhou's toes tickled along his ankle.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

JingYu felt WeiZhou tremble as he pushed his hand under the t-shirt WeiZhou had worn to bed. His fingers immediately felt like fire with the heat of WeiZhou's skin under his touch.

"I tried. Okay, maybe not too hard, but I did try. You were obviously tired." JingYu's breathing became ragged as WeiZhou's lips continued to press below his collarbone. "You came in here less than five minutes before me. In those few minutes you were sound asleep. How could I wake you?"

WeiZhou methodically drew his tongue back up JingYu's neck to his chin. He kissed and nipped along JingYu's jaw to his ear.

"Hmm, and you're not mad at me, for leaving you alone?" WeiZhou asked, his words forming abstract patterns around the earlobe between his lips.

"I wasn't alone." JingYu pressed his knee between WeiZhou's. "You've been right here next to me the whole time."

The simultaneous effect of JingYu's leg between his, slightly spreading his thighs, and JingYu's fingers sliding under the waistband of his pajamas to firmly knead his rear with a fiery touch stopped WeiZhou's breath. He bit into his own lip as he tried to regain the train of thought derailed when JingYu began chewing on his shoulder, lips, teeth and tongue grinding against the erogenous pressure point JingYu had accidently discovered back during rehearsals over a year ago.

"You know what I mean, JingYu."

JingYu finally pulled his mouth from WeiZhou's shoulder, but continued to ply his knee and hands against WeiZhou's growing sensations and sensitivities.

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