The Best Gift

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Same time zone.

Same continent.

Same country.

Same city.

Same room.

Staring at each other, a good three metres between them. Eyes flitting up and down, up and down, taking in every detail of form and existence. Legs froze in fear of the dream evaporating if they moved. Until the beckoning scent of each drifted into the realization of the other.

Long strides from lithe limbs disposed of the distance in but a second. Bodies collided with a force to move mountains and separate seas. Arms tugged and squeezed, grasped and locked as though raging floods threatened to tear them apart.

His arms were around WeiZhou.

His arms were around JingYu.

The beating of hearts raced against each other, wrestling to declare whose joy was greater, though neither could win. Neither wanted to win.

Not the fiery heat of desire and passion, but the comforting warmth of affection and love radiated and encompassed the space they shared. Warmth that relaxed and soothed flesh and mind. Warmth that melted and melded hearts and souls.

Chins rested on shoulders. Chests supported each other. Arms fell to their sides, fingers entwined, palms matched. A clasp creating an endless circuit. A complete connection.

Cheeks slowly caressed each other. Silent sobs of overwhelming emotion gave way to whispering sighs of names and endearments. Mumbled prayers of gratitude and celebration.

A fleeting look become an unbreakable stare. Voices fell mute as psychic discourse invited each to the other. Lips brushed softly, breathlessly. Mouths opened gently, lovingly. Tongues danced slowly, smoothly.

Time disappeared.

The past faded away.

The future did not exist.

Only this. 

This perfect present.

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