Taking Care of Business (R-18)

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"I know, Mom...Yes, I'm eating properly...Yes, resting too...No...I have to rehearse, Mom."

WeiZhou was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch, as he spoke with his mother. He had just come in from the rehearsal studio when his phone rang. JingYu had tried to leave the room when he realized who had called WeiZhou, but had instead remained seated when his hand was tugged and placed on a shoulder, while tired eyes sent him a slightly pleading look. Therefore, as WeiZhou calmly reassured his mother of his welfare, JingYu's fingers gently kneaded into knotted muscles.

"I mean it, Mom, I'm fine. Yes, there's a lot going on right now, but I can handle it. No, you don't need to come here. I have the best people supporting me and taking care of me," he said, as his arms gave a quick squeeze to the knees they were draped over, "that's the truth. I love you, too, Mom."

Ending the call, WeiZhou tossed his phone to the side, a low hum escaping his lips, as he settled himself back between JingYu's legs. Though he couldn't see the other man's face, JingYu knew his eyes were closed. Like Mother Xu, he too was worried about WeiZhou and how hard he had been working. That was one reason he was still in Beijing. If WeiZhou wasn't going to take care of himself, then who better to do the job than JingYu? Of course, he would never say to WeiZhou that was one of the reasons he remained. Neither of them liked the idea that they needed to be 'taken care of', even when they both secretly enjoyed it. So, with the excuse of just spending more time together, JingYu had been pushing WeiZhou to eat better and doing what he could to make sure he slept well.

And things like this, as JingYu continued to press into slowly relaxing shoulders and neck. WeiZhou's arms slid down to his sides as he felt himself giving in to JingYu's hands.

"Ahh, thank you. I needed this."

JingYu teasingly tugged at an ear. "You shouldn't rehearse so long that it gets this bad."

WeiZhou responded by pinching at a leg. "Stop sounding like my mother," he laughed. He leaned his head back, looking up into a face that flashed between concern and playfulness. "And I didn't rehearse too long. I rehearsed harder to get done quicker. Why would I want to stay and rehearse when you're here, hmm?"

JingYu pressed his knees against WeiZhou's shoulders as he leaned down to drop a kiss on grinning lips.

"Are you trying to seduce me by saying that, with that look in your eye?"

The grin turned into a full fledged smile. "Is it working?"

JingYu answered by grabbing WeiZhou's chin as he traced those smiling lips with his tongue. As he pressed into WeiZhou, lips and tongue working together to erase the smile, he forced himself between his boyfriend and the couch, until he sat on the floor with him, legs pressing around hips to cradle him. As he continued to hold WeiZhou's lips to his, JingYu trailed his fingers from jaw to neck to shoulder, where he again began to press and flex into stiff muscle. With a small shove, he lifted his head.

"You wish. Stop trying to start something when you're exhausted and need to rest."

JingYu had to cross his legs around WeiZhou's waist when he huffed and tried to stand up. Wrapping his arms around WeiZhou, who now held himself stiffly, JingYu sighed, his breath tickling across a reddened ear.

"Zhou, I know you don't like it, but I can't help worrying about you. I know how much the concerts mean to you, and I'm really impressed and proud of you for how hard you're working. But all of that work will amount to nothing but you being sick if you keep pushing yourself so hard."

He could feel WeiZhou relax a little in his embrace as he said this. The hands resting on his knees began to gently grip as he continued.

"As much as I would love to give in to you right now, as much as I really, really want to give in to you right now, I have to think about what you need before I think about what I want."

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