Trip the Light Fantastically (R-18)

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JingYu held his stomach tight. If this kept up much longer he was going to get a hernia from trying to hold in his laughter. WeiZhou obviously did not know he was being watched. If he did, he would not have been dancing around the kitchen, at least not he was, JingYu thought. True, the music coming from WeiZhou's phone propped up on the counter had a distinct Latin rhythm to it, but JingYu didn't think it was enough to warrant the full performance mode he had been witnessing the last couple of minutes. The Pikachu on the butt of WeiZhou's loose boxers, bouncing around with every movement of his hips, did not help the matter, either. One extremely sharp thrust of WeiZhou's hip, bumping to close a cabinet drawer in perfect rhythm with his dance, sent Pikachu shimmying uncontrollably, and finally threw JingYu over the edge.

WeiZhou jumped at least a foot, spinning around in mid-air, at the loud burst of laughter behind him. Slapping a hand to his chest, he glared as JingYu stumbled into the room, unbalanced by the cascades of laughter he had been holding in and added to by WeiZhou's reaction.

"Damn it, JingYu!" WeiZhou exclaimed in between heaving breaths. "Scared the shit outta me!"

JingYu stopped and leaned against the counter, purposefully just out of WeiZhou's reach.

"Sorry. I'm sorry," he said, in between the continuing chuckles. "Just...Pikachu...on your ass..."

He couldn't continue as another wave of laughter surfaced with thinking about it. WeiZhou silently glared at him, slightly embarrassed at the fact that JingYu had caught him dancing, until he thought about what JingYu was saying. Absently grabbing the back of his boxers, WeiZhou realized what he must have looked like to JingYu. It was funny, he thought, smiling to himself, but he wasn't going to admit it.

"So glad I could amuse you," a kitchen towel thrown at JingYu's chest emphasizing the faked annoyance in WeiZhou's voice.

JingYu caught the towel before it fell to the floor and tossed it onto the counter. It had been slightly damp, and the cold of it hitting his chest had sent a small shock through him. Though the room was warm, his skin suddenly tightened with goosebumps and he shivered. Absently, he rubbed a hand against his chest because of the chill, drawing WeiZhou's attention.

WeiZhou stared at JingYu as the music from his phone changed from the bright, upbeat song he had been dancing to. The slower, more sultry melody enhanced his sudden mood change. JingYu had just come from the shower after working out. His hair was damp and slightly mussed, having combed through it with only his fingers. His body was still flushed pink from the heat and pounding spray of water. His skin pulled taut by the chill he had experienced emphasized the definition his recent diligence to an exercise routine had produced. Forgetting the sandwich he had been making, WeiZhou held out his hand, his fingers itching simply to touch the perfect specimen of masculinity before him.

"Dance with me?" WeiZhou asked.

"You know I can't dance," Jing Yu groaned, yet grabbing WeiZhou's hand and stepping towards him.

"You dance just fine," WeiZhou said, ending with a small hum as JingYu's arms wrapped around him. His own hands went around JingYu's neck, his fingers tracing over the stubble at the base of JingYu's hairline. "My perfect dance partner."

"Don't go overboard, Zhou. I know I'm clumsy and uncoordinated."

"Says the man who can pin me in three seconds."

"That's different."

"Hmm, is it?"

WeiZhou focused on the subtle angle of JingYu's shoulders, the smooth skin slipping under his palms as his hands moved over them. The feel of JingYu's biceps flexing slightly under his touch highlighted the strength in the recently added muscle. WeiZhou pressed his chest against JingYu's, verifying that while it only appeared wider than before, it was definitely much firmer. Giving in to a strange urge to explore JingYu's physique, WeiZhou pulled the arms from around his waist and stepped around JingYu, his hand drifting over the defined muscles of JingYu's stomach that twitched with his touch as he moved to stand behind him.

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