Message of Love

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After Xu WeiZhou's concert in Seoul, South Korea - the first sold out concert by a Mainland Chinese artist in South Korea - where he was finally able to perform 'Walk Slowly' and 'When Hai Has Yin/Because of the Sea'...

Finally alone, WeiZhou pulled out his phone and opened up his private messaging. He had seen the notifications earlier, but he was already too emotional after his performance. He knew he needed to be alone before he read the messages JingYu had sent.

<Thank goodness for fan cams. You did fantastic!!Be proud!! (I am :)- )>

WeiZhou chuckled.

<I admit. I teared up. Have I told you how much I love your voice?>

WeiZhou choked.

<Of course, not as much as I love you <3 >

WeiZhou cried.

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