Balancing Act (R-18)

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Both of them were moody. It was always like this after they had to fly. Whether it was the chaos caused by fans at the airports, or being stuck on an airplane for hours, bored, with nothing to do (how could doing nothing be so physically exhausting?), whatever it was, it always took some time to shake the bad vibes after travelling. WeiZhou knew this, but JingYu seemed to be particularly touchy tonight. Or maybe it was himself? Maybe he was being overly sensitive. Physical exhaustion did not mix well with emotional excitement. He & JingYu just seemed to be getting on each other's nerves more than usual. This was just a part of life, WeiZhou knew. No two people could be perfectly happy with each other all of the time, but after not seeing each other for so long, fate's timing really sucked. JingYu had stomped off to take a shower after they argued about, well, nothing actually.

Pacing around the living room, WeiZhou's eyes landed on the guitar in the corner. He had left it there a few months back, but had not touched it since. Maybe that was what he needed to calm his spirit. Walking over, he picked it up, enjoying the feel in his hands. It had been awhile since he'd had a chance to play. Throwing the strap over his shoulder, his fingers warmed themselves with a simple, slow melody. He let out a deep breath as the melody changed, his fingers quickening on the strings, and he began to sway to the beat of the music. Feeling himself starting to relax, WeiZhou changed the pace of his fingers yet again. He closed his eyes and let himself be carried away on the sound. Faster and faster, his fingers flew, all of his body and emotions thrown into this release. He played like that for just a few minutes before his fingers began to sting. It had been too long since he last played. But he didn't want to stop, so he changed songs again, slowing the melody and his movements. He gradually worked his way back down to the melody he had started with.

WeiZhou was not certain when JingYu had entered the room as his eyes had been tightly shut, but, even with his eyes still closed, he knew JingYu was near. He could not see him, they were not touching, but WeiZhou could feel him all the same. This was what he always forgot about. They may be two separate individuals, but when together there were no barriers between them. It could be unnerving as well as highly comforting. WeiZhou's fingers abruptly stopped on the strings. Blindly, he reached a hand out to have it land exactly where he wanted, brushing JingYu's cheek.


For a moment there was silence.

"For what?" JingYu's voice held a trace of impatience still, but that was only secondary to the earnest desire to communicate and understand.

"For being such a crab tonight. I don't know why I acted that way. I'm sorry."

The warmth of JingYu's hand covered his own, drawing WeiZhou's hand down to be enveloped in two strong hands.

"Look at me." Though spoken softly, gently, it was still a command.

WeiZhou slowly opened his eyes to see JingYu's face mere inches from him.

"We're human. We're going to argue and fight sometimes. That's just how it is." JingYu's eyes softened as his lips curved into a smirk. "Even when you're a pain in the ass crab, I still love you."

WeiZhou's scowl caused JingYu to laugh. "Sorry, sorry. But I do mean it. Just as I hope you'll always love me even when I'm the pain in the ass crab. Like tonight. We're both a bit off. It's not your fault. It's not my fault. It just is."

WeiZhou squeezed the hand that held his, letting a smile cross his face. He felt the tension that had remained after playing the guitar leave his body. A small thunderstorm had cleared his heart. He leaned forward and let his lips glide softly against JingYu's. It was not a kiss of passion or need. It was a kiss of apology, of forgiveness, and of acceptance. It still shook him down to the bones.

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