Nothing Better Than the Real Thing (R-18)

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JingYu was exhausted. In fact, he was so exhausted that he was even dreaming about dreaming. That was what this was, right? A dream of a dream?

Only in a dream would he be able to feel a sudden warmth invading the skin along his side, a warmth not of heat, but presence, that spread through his limbs to chase away the chill of loneliness in his bones. Only in a dream would a light touch ease the furrow between his brows and trace down the ridge of his nose, a soothing hint of pressure to push away worry and tiredness. Only in a dream would a softly sweet whisper tickle into his ear, saying "I should let you sleep" before breathing his name like a siren's song. And it could definitely only be in a dream that the heady, filling taste of WeiZhou would trickle onto his lips to quench his starvation for the lover he craved.

The lucidity of the dream he dreamed caused JingYu to groan at the cruel injustice his own mind created. Was it not enough that he tortured himself with thoughts of WeiZhou while awake, that now his subconscious had to torture him in his sleep as well? It had been far too long since he had seen WeiZhou, much less held him or kissed him, yet JingYu's body, within the guise of a dream, recalled with complete accuracy the feel, the taste, the smell, the sound of the man for whom JingYu yearned.

Knowing he was dreaming, JingYu reached for the source of heat his imaginings created so realistically, pulling it into himself slowly so as to prolong the sensation of sinking into bliss.

"My Zhou. If only this was real," he mumbled as JingYu fell deeper into the specter of his heart's desire.

A soft laughter danced against JingYu's neck, shuddering against skin with the texture of raindrops pattering to the ground.

"This is as real as you want it to be, JingYu. Dream or reality, as long as it's me in your arms, that's all that matters."

JingYu mumbled an affirmation of agreement. Not only his reality, but even the wanderings of his dreams, belonged to WeiZhou, and WeiZhou alone. If he couldn't have the real thing he would make do with this alternative. JingYu would embrace this ethereal wisp as though it was flesh and blood, and indulge the frustrations that had become piled within him.

Moist lips, like a child's sparkler firework, sprinkled pinpoints of flame onto the bare skin of JingYu's neck, tracing a path from ear to ear and back again. The all too real sensation made JingYu question the limits of a dream, but, acknowledging the extent of his own desires, he resigned himself to being entrapped in his personal mind games.

JingYu saw himself floating in a sea of hazy perception as trails of liquid fire danced over his chest, lips and tongue scorching against him as though marking his body as their territory. With an audacity that would make a lesser man appear weak and desperate, JingYu pushed himself against the flame, inviting it to scar his entire being. Through miles of mentally induced fog, he heard a moan, an auditory aphrodisiac made up of lust and abandon that added fuel to the desires consuming his fantasy.

Behind the closed lids of his eyes, the mist of unconsciousness began to condense and solidify around JingYu with traces of fingernails and palms imparting over tense nubs of flesh an erotic accompaniment to the seductive swirl of tongue around navel. JingYu fought to separate fact from wishful thinking as his abdomen began to clench. He was uncertain if the sharp sting he braced against was from the aggressive nibbling of teeth on skin, or the brazen reaction of his groin, anxiously anticipating the intimate nip and pull, slowly swelling against the constricture of cotton, adding its own friction to the lusty sensations running through him. Even in his most deviant and depraved nighttime imaginings, nothing had ever compared to this.

There was no possible way this was just a dream.

WeiZhou stiffened as his hair sifted through fingers reaching out to him. With a woeful sigh, he laid his head on JingYu's stomach. Eyes half opened against drowsiness searched WeiZhou's face for confirmation of his existence.

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