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"I Don't Need a Hero"

You always said I was a liar; But we burn like a house on fire; No matter what, you know that to be true; And everything you gave to me; Changed everything I used to be; Much more than anyone I ever knew

And I don't need a hero; I don't need a soldier; I did when I was younger; But now that I am older; I don't need a father; I don't wanna be your mother; It's just that any one of us is half without another one is you; Is you

The colours of that piece of time; Are still so fresh inside my mind; And it makes the movie of my life seem pale; And all the games I have to play; I got to give a lot of me away; But the part with us will never be for sale

And I don't need a hero; I don't need a soldier; I did when I was younger; But now that I am older; I don't need a father; I don't wanna be your mother; It's just that any one of us is half without another one is you

The words of love have been confused; The ways of love have been abused; Is this a lottery you win or lose; I don't know; It's an endless circle over time; The place inside where I hold and find; Your sweet and happy music in my soul

And I don't need a hero; I don't need a soldier; I did when I was younger; But now that I'm so much older; I don't need a father; I don't wanna be your mother

It's just that any one of us is half without another one is you; Is you

Concrete Blonde - "Bloodletting" (1990)

As late night gradually shifted into early morning, the two men lay with each other in quiet solitude. Neither slept. The sense of finally not being alone kept both of them from seeking to hide in unconsciousness and dreams. Neither spoke. Words were all they had of each other for months. Words were meaningless and insignificant now. Both let themselves be caught up in the simplicity of being in each others' presence again, their minds wandering even as they focused solely on the other.

JingYu lay on his side, his head propped up by his left hand. His right hand traced a path from WeiZhou's neck, over his shoulder, back up to his ear, over and over, occasionally venturing against his cheek or across his back. The small hums WeiZhou made deep in his throat were the only indication of how much he enjoyed JingYu's touch. He was a lucky man, JingYu thought, smiling at the way WeiZhou slowly closed and opened his eyes, as though falling into a hypnotic spell. Lucky and blessed and happier than he had any right to be.

WeiZhou's arm slid from JingYu's waist and up his back, his fingers gently grasping onto JingYu's shoulder. JingYu had spent one-third of the year one-third of the world away. Even the most solid and 'normal' of relationships would be tested and tried by that, not to mention the typical circumstances he and WeiZhou endured. Yet, here they were, wrapped in each other completely, as though no distance or time had ever come between them.

As JingYu leaned forward slowly, WeiZhou closed his eyes again. The quiet grumble he made as a moist touch landed on his eyelids instead of his waiting lips caused JingYu to chuckle. WeiZhou pouted for a moment, but then let a soft grin take over before turning his head, as though trying to hide a sudden embarrassment. A gentle pressure of fingertips on his chin made WeiZhou turn his head back. JingYu's lips brushed his just enough to cause another slight upturn at the corners of his mouth.

JingYu went back to watching his boyfriend's face, as though it was the most fascinating sight in the world. It was, to JingYu, after all.

WeiZhou let out his breath slowly. He had almost forgotten this relaxed and complacent feeling that came from being with JingYu. From being held in his arms. From being loved within reach. As much as he had missed this, WeiZhou knew that this moment wouldn't be so precious if not for the last four months. He hated being away from JingYu, no matter for how long or what reason, but WeiZhou refused to let himself be ruled by the negative. He mentally shook away any thoughts that didn't support the blissful circumstance he currently resided in.

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